Sôn am y plant rhinweddol

(Duwioldeb Boreuol)
Sôn am y plant rhinweddol
    o fewn y Bibl cair,
O Samuel, y prophwyd,
    hyd anwyl Faban Mair:
  Yr Iesu a gr'oeshoeliwyd
      ar fynydd Calfari,
  Fu gynt yn blentyn egwan,
      mor fychan â myfi!

Wrth ddysgu y doctoriaid,
     ac eistedd yn ei mysg,
Yn ddeuddeg blwydd o oedran
     dangosodd ddwyfol ddysg;
  Holl ddeddf ei Dad a gadwodd,
      ni wyrodd i ddrwg nam;
  Dangosodd yn ddibechod
      ufudddod pur i'w fam.

Pan ydoedd y gelynion,
    Iuddewon llwyr ddi-dduw,
Mewn llid yn uchel gablu,
    a gwadu Iesu gwiw;
  Plant bychain pan y gwelsant
      ogoniant Brenin ne'
  Hosanna oll cydseiniant,
      o foliant iddo fe!

'Roedd Timothi 'ngyfarwydd
    y'ngeiriau Duw bob cam,
Fe ddysgodd ysgrythyrau
    yn foreu gan ei fam:
  Yn awr ymroddaf finnau
      Ar foreu
            dyddiau'r daith,
  Trwy gymhorth Iesu hawddgar,
      yn gynnar at y gwaith.

- - - - -
(Moliant o Enau Plant)
Son am y plant rhinweddol
  O fewn y Beibl cair,
O Samuel y proffwyd
  Hyd anwyl Faban Mair:
Yr Iesu a groeshoeliwyd
  Ar fynydd Calfari,
Fu gynt yn blentyn egwan,
  Mor fychan a myfi!

Yr Iesu a groeshoeliwyd
  Ar fynydd Calari,
Fu gynt yn blentyn egwan
  Mor fychan â myfi;
Holl ddeddf ei dad a gadwodd
  O'i le ni wyrodd gam,
Dangosodd yn ddibechod
  Ufudd-dod pur i'w fam.

Plant bychain, pan y gwelsant
  Ogoniant Brenin ne',
Hosanna gydseiniasant
  O foliant iddo 'Fe.
Yn awr ymroddaf finau
  Ar fore
      dyddiau'r daith,
Trwy gymhorth Iesu hawddgar,
  Yn gynar at y gwaith.
Plant bychain, pan y gwelsant ::        
        Pan welod, gynt, plant bychain

David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822

Tonau [7676D]:
  Etifeddiaeth (<1962)
Salem (<1875)
  Sôn am y plant rhinweddol (J R Thomas)

gwelir: Yr Iesu a groeshoeliwyd

(Morning Godliness)
Talk about the virtuous children
    within the Bible found,
From Samuel, the prophet,
    up to the beloved Baby of Mary:
  Jesus who was crucified
      on the mountain of Calvary,
  Who was once a weak child
      as small as I!

While teaching the doctors,
    and sitting in their midst,
At twelve years of age
    he showed divine learning;
  The whole law of his Father he kept,
      he did not veer to an evil step;
  He showed sinlessly
      pure obedience to his mother.

When the enemies were,
    completely godless Jews,
In anger loudly slandering,
    and denying worthy Jesus;
  Little children when they saw
      the glory of the King of heaven,
  Hosanna they all chorussed,
      of praise unto him!

Timothy was trained
    in the words of God every step,
He learned scriptures
    in the morning by his mother:
  Now I shall devote myself
      in the morning of
             the days of the journey,
  Through the help of beautiful Jesus,
      early to the work.

- - - - -
(Praise from the Mouth of Children)
Talk about the virtuous children
  Within the Bible found,
From Samuel, the prophet,
  Up to the beloved Baby of Mary:
Jesus who was crucified
  On the mountain of Calvary,
Who was once a weak child
  As small as I!

Jesus was crucified
  On the mountain of Calvary,
Who was once a weak child
  As small as I;
All his Father's law he kept
  From his place he veered not a step,
He appeared sinless,
  Obedience, pure to his mother.

Little children when they saw
  The glory of the King of heaven,
Hosanna they had chorussed,
  Of praise unto him!
Now I shall devote myself
  In the morning of
      the days of the journey,
Through the help of beautiful Jesus,
  Early to the work.
Little children when they saw ::        
        When little children once saw

tr. 2016,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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