Sain clodforedd am drugaredd

(Tosturi Ragluniaethol Duw)
Sain clodforedd am drugaredd,
  Ac amynedd y Duw mawr,
A'i ddaioni anwyl i ni,
  Fyddo'n llenwi nef a llawr;
    Cynnal bywyd
    Gwych, ac iechyd,
    Ymborth hefyd,
  I ni'n hyfryd i'w mwynhâu.

O! mor uchel y mae'r achos
  I ni ddangos parch i Dduw,
Llenwi'n caeau gydag ydau,
  Anghenrheidiau o bob rhyw,
    Pur ddarpariaeth
    Glân ragluniaeth,
    Llenwi lluniaeth,
  I ni'n helaeth i'w mwynhâu.

Un trugarog a thostriol
  Ydyw'n Duw, anfeidrol fawr,
Hynod iawn o'i lawn haelioni,
  Mae 'Fe'n llenwi nef a llawr;
    Cynnal bywyd
    Gwych, ac iechyd,
    Ymborth hefyd,
  O! mae'n hyfryd eu mwynhâu.

Gwynt a gwlaw o'r Llaw alluog
  Ni chânt ysgog o un tu,
Ddim i wlychu, 'chwaith na chwythu,
  Lladd neu fraenu, oddi frŷ,
    Ond i'r graddau
    A'r amserau,
    Dyddiau, oriau,
  A'r mynydau y myn Ef.

Rhaid i'r gwyntoedd
    a'r gwlawogydd
  Fod yn llonydd yn eu lle,
New eu danfon a'u gorchymyn
  O frŷ'n un gan Frenin ne';
    Yna'n unol,
    Naill ai'n farnol
    Neu'n fendithiol,
  Wrth ei reol Ef yr ânt.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: 87874447]

(The Providential Mercy of God)
May the sound of praise for the mercy,
  And the patience of the great God,
And beloved goodness to us,
  Be filling heaven and earth;
    Upholding brilliant
      Life, and health,
      Food also,
    For us delightfully to enjoy.

O how high is the cause
  For us to show reverence to God,
Filling the fields with grains,
  Needs of every kind,
    Pure provision
    Holy providence,
    Filling nutrition,
  For us widely to enjoy.

A merciful and pitying One
  Is our God, immeasurably great,
Very remarkable from his full generosity,
  He is filling heaven and earth;
    Upholding brilliant
      Life, and health,
      Food also,
    O it is delightful to enjoy them!

Wind and rain from the mighty Hand
  Cannot be induced from any side,
Neither to drench, nor to blow,
  Kill or rot, from above,
    But as to the degrees
    And the times,
    Days, hours,
  And the minutes, He determines.

There is need for the winds
    and the rain showers
  To be cheerfully in their place,
Or to send them and command them
  From above the same by the King of heaven;
    Then similarly,
    Either with judgment
    Or with blessing,
  According to His rule they go.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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