Sanctaidd Dad ar hyd ein taith

Holy Father cheer our way

Sanctaidd Dad, ar hyd ein taith,
Llewyrch rho o'th gariad maith;
Bod ar ben ein diwrnod gwaith
  Olau yn yr hwyr.

Sanctaidd Fab, O lleddfa'n gloes,
Gwna ni'n gryfach dan y groes;
Rho i ni yn niwedd oes
  Olau yn yr hwyr.

Sanctaidd Ysbryd, clyw ein cri,
Yn ein holl drallodion ni;
Rho i'th blant yn
    sŵn y lli
  Olau yn yr hwyr.

Sanctaidd Dduw, yr Un yn Dri,
Nid yw'n nos lle byddi di;
Trwy dy nodded
    daw i ni
  Olau yn yr hwyr.
cyf. David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948

Tonau [7775]:
Ledbury (A King)
Vesper (John Stainer 1840-91)

Holy Father, along our journey,
Give radiance from thy vast love;
May there be at the end of our day of work
  Light in the evening.

Holy Son, O relieve our anguish,
Make us stronger under the cross;
Give us in the end of an age
  Light in the evening.

Holy Spirit, hear our cry,
In all our tribulations;
Give to thy children in the
    sound of the flood
  Light in the evening.

Holy God, the One in Three,
It is not night where thou art;
Through thy protection
    may there come to us
  Light in the evening.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Holy Father, cheer our way
With Thy love's perpetual ray;
Grant us every closing day
  Light at evening time.

Holy Saviour, calm our fears
When earth's brightness disappears;
Grant us in our later years
  Light at evening time.

Holy Spirit, be Thou nigh
When in mortal pains we lie;
Grant us, as we
    come to die,
  Light at evening time.

Holy, blessèd Trinity,
Darkness is not dark to Thee;
Those Thou keepest
    always see
  Light at evening time.
Richard H Robinson 1842-92

Tunes [7775]:
Huddersfield (Walter Parratt 1841-1924)
Vesper (John Stainer 1840-1901)
Vesperi Lux (John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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