Sanctaidd Dad, ar hyd ein taith, Llewyrch rho o'th gariad maith; Bod ar ben ein diwrnod gwaith Olau yn yr hwyr. Sanctaidd Fab, O lleddfa'n gloes, Gwna ni'n gryfach dan y groes; Rho i ni yn niwedd oes Olau yn yr hwyr. Sanctaidd Ysbryd, clyw ein cri, Yn ein holl drallodion ni; Rho i'th blant yn sŵn y lli Olau yn yr hwyr. Sanctaidd Dduw, yr Un yn Dri, Nid yw'n nos lle byddi di; Trwy dy nodded daw i ni Olau yn yr hwyr.cyf. David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948
Tonau [7775]: |
Holy Father, along our journey, Give radiance from thy vast love; May there be at the end of our day of work Light in the evening. Holy Son, O relieve our anguish, Make us stronger under the cross; Give us in the end of an age Light in the evening. Holy Spirit, hear our cry, In all our tribulations; Give to thy children in the sound of the flood Light in the evening. Holy God, the One in Three, It is not night where thou art; Through thy protection may there come to us Light in the 2019 Richard B Gillion |
Holy Father, cheer our way With Thy love's perpetual ray; Grant us every closing day Light at evening time. Holy Saviour, calm our fears When earth's brightness disappears; Grant us in our later years Light at evening time. Holy Spirit, be Thou nigh When in mortal pains we lie; Grant us, as we come to die, Light at evening time. Holy, blessèd Trinity, Darkness is not dark to Thee; Those Thou keepest always see Light at evening time.Richard H Robinson 1842-92
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