Sanctaidd Sanctaidd Sanctaidd (Dduw hollgyfoethog)

Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty

(Sul y Drindod)
Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd,
    Dduw hollgyfoethog,
  Gyda'r wawr blygeiniol fry
      dyrchafwn i Ti gân;
Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd,
    mawr wyt a thrugarog;
  Duw mewn Tri Pherson -
      Trindod ddiwahân.

Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd,
    dy holl sainta'th foliant,
  Bwriant eu coronau aur
      o flaen y fainc i lawr:
Engyl a seraphiaid
    glân a'th ogoneddant
  Beunydd a byth i
      dragwyddoldeb mawr.

Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd,
    t'wyllwch a'th orchudia,
  Fel nas gall pechadur gwael
      dim edrych ar dy wedd:
Sanctaidd wyt a chyfiawn,
    Argwlydd Dduw gorucha',
  Ti biau'r clod, y mawl,
      y gras, a'r hedd.

[Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd!
     t'wyllwch a'th orchudia,
   Fel nas gall pechadur gwael
       byth edrych ar dy wedd:
 Sanctaidd wyt yn unig:
     Ti, Dduw, wyt orucha'
   Mewn clod, a gallu,
       cariad pur, a hedd.]

Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd,
    Dduw hollgyfoethog,
  Dy holl waith a'th foli Di
      mewn gogoneddus gân:
Sanctaidd, sanctaidd, sanctaidd,
    mawr wyt a thrugarog;
  Duw mewn Tri Pherson -
      Trindod ddiwahân.
a'th foli Di :: a'th fawl Di

cyf. Morris Williams (Nicander) 1809-74

Tonau []: Nicea (John B Dykes 1823-76)

(Trinity Sunday)
Holy, holy, holy,
    all-rich God,
  With the morning dawn up
      we raise to thee a song;
Holy, holy, holy,
    great art thou and merciful;
  God in three Persons -
      an undivided Trinity.

Holy, holy, holy,
    all thy saints praise thee,
  They cast their golden crowns
      down before the throne.
Angels and holy
    Seraphim glorify thee
  Daily forever for
      a great eternity.

Holy, holy, holy,
    'tis darkness that hides thee,
  That the base sinner may not
      look upon thy countenance:
Holy art thou and righteous,
    Supreme Lord God,
  To thee belongs the acclaim, the praise,
      the grace and the peace.

[Holy, holy, holy!
     'tis darkness that hides thee,
   That the base sinner may never
       look upon thy countenance:
 Thou alone art holy:
     Thou, God, art most high
   In acclaim, and power,
       pure love, and peace.]

Holy, holy, holy,
    all-rich God,
  All thy work shall praise thee
      in a glorious song:
Holy, holy, holy,
    great art thou and merciful;
  God in three Persons -
      an undivided Trinity.

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

Holy, holy, holy!
    Lord God Almighty!
  Early in the morning
    our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy,
    merciful and mighty!
  God in three Persons,
      blessčd Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy!
    All the saints adore Thee,
  Casting down their golden crowns
      around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim
    falling down before Thee,
  Who wert, and art,
      and evermore shalt be.

Holy, holy, holy!
    though the darkness hide Thee,
  Though the eye of sinful man
      Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy;
    there is none beside Thee,
  Perfect in power,
      in love, and purity.

[Holy, holy, holy!
     though the darkness hide Thee,
   Though the eye of sinful man
       Thy glory may not see;
 Only Thou art holy;
     there is none beside Thee,
   Perfect in power,
       in love, and purity.]

Holy, holy, holy!
    Lord God Almighty!
  All Thy works shall praise Thy Name,
      in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy;
    merciful and mighty!
  God in three Persons,
      blessčd Trinity!

Trinity Sunday, 1826. Reginald Heber 1783-1826

Tune []: Nicea (John B Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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