Sancteiddiodd Duw y seithfed dydd

Sancteiddiodd Duw y seithfed dydd,
  I ni gael budd ysprydol;
Gwybodaeth lawn o'i gyfraith lân,
  A gwir ddiddanwch nefol.

Yn filoedd down i foli Duw,
  Ei wyneb heddyw ceisiwn,
Gwrandäwn ei air
    sy'n dygyd hedd,
  A mawr orfoledd meddwn.

Haelionus Dduw, gwel Di yn dda
  I'n gwledda hedyw'n helaeth
A'th bresennoldeb melus iawn,
  A'n porthi gawn yn berffaith.

Rho ini brawf
    tu yma'r bedd
  O'th nefol hedd anwyla',
A dwg y claf, y
    gwan, a'r cloff,
  I'th berffaith hoff orphwysfa.

Cawn yno'n ber
    Dy foli byth,
  Cawn ganu'm mhlith Angylion;
A threlio hir Sabbathol ddydd
  Ar sanctaidd fynydd Sïon.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Yn filoedd down i foli Duw

God sanctified the seventh day,
  For us to get spiritual benefit;
Full knowledge of his holy law,
  And true heavenly comfort.

In thousands let us come to praise God,
  His face today let us seek,
Let us listen to his word
    which brings peace,
  And great jubilation we shall possess.

Generous God, may it please thee
  To feast us today plenteously
With thy very sweet presence,
  And we shall get to feed perfectly.

Give us an experience
    this side of the grave
  Of thy dearest heavenly peace,
And bring the wounded, the
    weak, and the lame,
  To thy lovely perfect resting-place.

There we may get sweetly
    to praise thee forever,
  We may get to sing among the angels;
And spend a long Sabbath day
  On the sacred hill of Zion.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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