Seren fy ngobaith nac ymgûdd, Goleuni f'enaid cu; Y lle nad wyt pob dychryn sydd, Gwaeth na'r nos Aiphtaidd ddu. Er bod aml seren ddisglaer wych, Yn goleu'r entrych mawr, Nid oes im' gysur yn fy nych, Nes cwyd dy nefol wawr. Ond gogoneddus gelli di Oleuo'n tywyll fyd; A'r nef, fel haul, llewyrcha hi, Ti yw goleu i gyd.cyf.Morris Davies 1796-1876 Hymnau Newyddion, &c. Tôn [MC 8686]: George's (<1811) |
Star of my hope do not hide, Thou light of my dear soul; Where thou art not there is every terror, Worse than the black Egyptian night. Although there are many brilliant shining stars, Lighting the great vault of heaven, There is no comfort for me in my torment, Until thy heavenly dawn rises. But gloriously canst thou Lighten our dark world; And heaven, like the sun, thou dost light up, Thou who art all 2018 Richard B Gillion |
Star of my hope, depart not! My soul's supremest light; 'Tis horror where thou art not, Worse than Egyptian night. Though many a star of splendour, Around the concave shine, Their beams no comfort render, Till lighted up by thine. But thou, though far, can'st lighten The dark world with thy ray; And, sun-like, heaven will brighten The fountain of its day.James Edmeston 1791-1867 [Metre: 7676] |