Sŵn yr ieuainc glywir

Sŵn yr ieuainc glywir
    ar y ffordd i'r nef;
Myned wnant dan chwarae,
    oll â llawen lf:
  Plant ni fynnant deithio'n
      araf tua'r wlad,
  Brysiant fel newn awydd
      cyrraed Tŷ eu Tad.

    Eiddo plant, medd Iesu,
        ydyw teyrnas Dduw -
    Hoffau'u dwyn i'r nefoedd
        ato'i Hun i fyw.

Yno ni ddaw tristwch,
    poen, na llesgedd chwaith;
Yno moli'r Iesu
    fydd eu melys waith:
  Ni ddaw storm i'r nefoedd,
      nac un oerllyd chwa;
  Pawb sy'n ddedwydd yno
      am fod pawb yn dda.

Dyma fel y teithia
    plant o hyd at Dduw;
Gadael wnant y ddaear,
    ânt i'r nef i fyw:
  Iesu sy'n eu harwain
      ar eu taith i'r nef;
  Myn eu cael i aros
      yn Ei gartref Ef.

O! mae'n werth trafferthu
    dysgu plant i fyw:
Troi'u hwynebau tlysion
    tua'r nef a Duw!
  Rhoi eu traed ar lwybrau
      bywyd Iesu Ei hun -
  Gadael iddo'u harwain
      fry i'r nef bob un.
efel. David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn []:
    Fleury / Jesus King of Glory (o G A Rossini 1792-1868)

The sound of the young is to be heard
    on the way to heaven;
Going they are while playing,
    all with a cheerful cry:
  Children do not insist on travelling
      slowly towards the land,
  They hurry in eagerness
      to reach their Father's House.

    Belonging to children, said Jesus,
        is the kingdom of God -
    Delighting to lead them to heaven
        to Himself to live.

There shall come no sadness,
    pain, nor feebleness either;
There praising Jesus
    will be their sweet work:
  No storm shall come to heaven,
      nor any chilly blast;
  Everyone is happy their
      since all are good.

Here as children
    travel always towards Go;
Leave they do the earth,
    they go to heaven to live:
  Jesus is leading them
      on their journey to heaven;
  May they go to stay
      in His home.

O it is worth taking trouble
    to teach children to live:
Turning their pretty faces
    towards heaven and God!
  Putting their feet on the paths
      of the life of Jesus Himself -
  Let him lead them
      above to heaven every one.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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