Tad mawr y creaduriaeth llawn
Tad mawr y greadigaeth lawn

1,2,3,4,5;  1,2,4.
(Sal.xix,1. Rhuf.1,20. Mawl i'r Creawdwr.)
Tad mawr y creaduriaeth llawn,
  Mor rhyfedd yw dy waith,
Mewn tir a môr, mewn bryn a bro,
  A'r pell wybrenau maith!

Dadgana'r nef d'ogoniant pur,
  Dy nerth di-drai a'th ras;
Myegir gwaith dy ddwylaw glân
  Gan y ffurfafen las.

Tragwyddol allu, dwyfol rym
  Dy hollalluog law,
A welir yn mhob rhan o'th waith,
  Yr hwn a'th fawl heb daw.

Derchafed meibion Seion lef,
  A lluoedd nef yn nghyd,
Mewn mawl di baid i Grewr mawr
  Terfynau eitha'r byd.

Doed pêr awelon Salem fry,
  A thân seraphaidd byw,
I'n rhoi mewn hwyl i godi'n cân
  O fawl hyd orsedd Duw.
creaduriaeth llawn :: greadigaeth lawn

Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Dale (Isaac Phillips)
Devizes (Isaac Tucker 1761-1825)
Irish (alaw Wyddeleg)
New York (<1754)

(Psalm 19:1. Romans 1:20. Praise to the Creator.)
Great Father of the full creation,
  How wonderful is thy work,
In land and sea, in hill and vale,
  And the vast, distant skies!

Heaven declares thy pure glory,
  Thy unebbing strength and thy grace;
The work of thy holy hands is expressed
  By the blue firmament.

The eternal power, the divine force
  Of thy almighty hand,
And to be seen in every part of thy work is
  That which will praise thee unceasingly.

Let the sons of Zion lift up a voice,
  And the hosts of heaven together,
In unbroken praise to the great Creator
  Of the extreme ends of the world.

Let the sweet breezes of Salem above come,
  With the seraphic living fire,
To put us in tune to raise our song
  Of praise as far as the throne of God.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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