Tad tragwyddoldeb rhyfedd yw

(Crist fel ei frodyr)
Tad tragwyddoldeb - rhyfedd yw!
  Y cadarn Dduw yn ddyn -
Wnaed fel ei frodyr yn mhob man:
  Bu'n faban gwan ei hun.

Gorweddodd, do, mewn preseb gwael,
  O olud hael ei hedd;
Bu fyw dan wawd, bu farw'n drist,
  Fel claddwyd yn y bedd.

Ond drylliodd byrth
    y carchar caeth,
  Nis gall marwolaeth mwy,
Na Satan chwaith, byth gadw'n ol
  Ddybenion marwol glwy'.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

[Mesur: MC 8686]

(Christ like his brothers)
Eternal father - wonderful it is!
  The firm God as man -
Made like his brothers in every place:
  He was a weak baby himself.

He lay, yes, in a poor manger,
  From the generous wealth of his peace;
He lived under scorn, he died sadly,
  He was buried in the grave.

But he smashed the portals
    of the captive prison,
  Death could do no longer,
Nor Satan either, ever keep back
  The purposes of a mortal wound.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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