Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd

("Tangnefedd i bell ac i agos.")
    Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd,
    A welwyd gynt trwy ffydd,
      Gan rai sy'n awr
    O'r cystudd mawr yn rhydd;
Ac os oedd dyled arnynt hwy
Foliannu'r Oen am farwol glwy'
  Mae'n dyled ni, genhedloedd,
Fil miloedd foli mwy.

    Trwy Grist a'i werthfawr waed
    Y daeth maddeuant rhâd,
      I ddynol-ryw
    Iachawdwr gwiw a gaed;
Ei fywyd pur a'i angeu loes,
A'i ddioddefaint ar y groes,
  A ddygo fy serchiadau
Tra par'o dyddiau f'oes.

    Yn nyfnder pob rhyw loes,
    A gorthrymderau f'oes,
      Fy noddfa a'm nerth
    Yw aberth mawr y groes:
Rhinweddol haeddiant marwol glwy'
Yw'm cysur yn y byd
        tra b'wy',
  A'm hunig ddigonoldeb
I dragwyddoldeb mwy.
1 : Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623
2-3: Siarl Mark 1720-95

priodolwyd hefyd i
Evan Pri[t]chard (Ieuan Lleyn) 1770-1832

             - - - - -

    Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd,
    A welwyd gynt trwy ffydd,
      Gan rai sy'n awr
    O'r cystudd mawr yn rhydd;
Ac os oedd dyled arnynt hwy
Foliannu'r Oen am farwol glwy'
  Mae'n dyled ni, genhedloedd,
Fil miloedd foli mwy.

    Crist Iesu Frenin nen,
    Fu farw ar y pren;
      Gofidus awr!
    Pan rwygai i'r
            llawr y llen:
Y gyfraith bûr fe gadwodd ef,
Yn awr mae'n eiriol yn y nef,
  Cyflawniad prynedigaeth,
Yw grym eiriolaeth gref.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802
             - - - - -

    Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd,
    A welwyd gynt trwy ffydd,
      Gan rai sy'n awr
    O'r cystudd mawr yn rhydd;
Ac os oedd dyled arnynt hwy
Foliannu'r Oen am farwol glwy'
  Mae'n dyled ni, genhedloedd,
Fil miloedd foli mwy.

    Mae udgorn Jubili,
    Am haeddiant Galfari,
      Yn seinio'n llon
    Newyddion goreu i ni:
Gwir lawenha fy enaid prudd,
Enillodd Jesu mawr y sydd,
  Daw carcharorion angeu
O'u rhwymau oll yn rhydd.

    Dewch, dewch o fawr i fân,
    Cyn delo'r diluw tân,
      I'r arch mewn pryd,
    Fe lysg y byd yn lân:
O ddinas distryw, brysiwch, ffowch,
Ar y gwastadedd nac ymdrowch,
  I sanctaidd fynydd Seion,
O ddynion, pa'm na ddowch!
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tonau [6646.8876]:
Bow Street (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Noddfa (J B Ebeling 1637-76)
Trefdeyrn (alaw Gymreig)

  Dewch dewch o fawr i fân
  Mae llais y durtur fwyn
  Mae udcorn/utgorn Jubili/Jiwbili
  O dan d'adenydd Di
  O dewch o fawr i fân
  Trwy Grist a'i werthfawr waed

("Peace to far and to near.")
    Fair dawned upon us a day,
    Which was once seen through faith,
       By those who are now
    From the great affliction free;
And if they had a duty
To extol the Lamb for his mortal wound
  Our duty is, nations,
A thousand thousand to praise more.

    Through Christ and his precious blood
    Came gracious forgiveness,
      For human-kind
    A worthy Saviour was got;
His pure life and his throes of death,
And his suffering on the cross,
  Shall draw my affections
While ever the days of my age endure.

    In the depth of every kind of anguish,
    And oppressions of my age,
      My refuge and my strength
    Is the great sacrifice of the cross:
The virtuous merit of a mortal wound
Is my comfort in the world
        while ever I live,
  And my only sufficiency
For an eternity evermore.


                - - - - -

    Fair dawned upon us a day,
    Which was once seen through faith,
      By those who are now
    From the great affliction free;
And if they had a duty
To extol the Lamb for his mortal wound
  Our duty is, nations,
A thousand thousand to praise more.

    Christ Jesus, the King of heaven,
    Who died on the tree;
      A grievous hour!
    When rent to the bottom
            was the curtain:
The pure law he kept,
Now he is interceding in heaven,
  The fulfilment of redemption,
Is the force of the strong intercession.
                - - - - -

    Fair dawned upon us a day,
    Which was once seen through faith,
       By those who are now
    From the great affliction free;
And if they had a duty
To extol the Lamb for his mortal wound
  Our duty is, nations,
A thousand thousand to praise more.

   The trumpet of Jubilee is,
   About the merit of Calvary,
     Sounding cheerfully
   The best news to us:
Truly rejoices my sad soul,
Jesus it is who won,
  The prisoners of death shall come
From their bonds all free.

    Come, come ye from great to small,
    Before the deluge of fire comes,
      To the ark in time,
    The world shall burn completely:
From the city of destruction, hurry, flee,
On the plain do not tarry,
  To the holy mountain of Zion,
O men, why do ye not come!
tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion



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    Come, come ye low and high,
    The great deluge is nigh,
      The world shall burn;
    To Jesus turn and fly;
Arise, arise, come hast away,
On Sodom's plain no longer stay;
  To Zion's holy mountain,
Come, come, without delay.
tr. Thomas William 1761-1844
Llais y Durtur yn y Wlad

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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