Teilyngu mawl ragorawl gân

(Daioni Duw yn ei Ragluniaeth)
Teilyngu mawl, ragorawl gân,
  Mae Awdwr glân rhagluniaeth,
Fu'n gwneyd i'r ddaear gnydion dda,
  I'n lloni gyda lluniaeth.

Ein pur Achubydd, Llywydd llawn,
  Duw uniawn a daionus,
A rododd i ni ffrwyth ein tir
  Eleni'n wir haelionus.

Fe roddodd ar ein maesydd gnwd,
  A thywydd brwd a thawel,
I'w gasglu'n ddefnydd bara da,
  Modd digoll a diogel.

Ein cynnysgaeddu i'w drefnu
    a'i drin,
  A'n dewis hin neu dywydd;
A'i gasglu'n
    ddefnydd bara 'nghyd,
  Yn lanwaith, i'n hŷdlenydd.

Haeddasom deimlo, Iesu da,
  Do, 'r niwed pla o newyn;
Er hyny, trugarddau heb ri'
  Yn wastad wyt ti'n estyn.

Dysg ni aberthu i ti fawl,
  Byth am dy rasawl drysor;
Gwynt, daear, dwfr,
    a'r haul a ro'ist,
  I'n hachub troi'st o'n hochr.

Haeddasom deimlo'r newyn du,
  I'n gwasgu dan ein gwisgoedd,
Am gamddefnyddio d'eiddo da,
  Mewn gloddest gyda gwleddoedd.

Pa beth a dalwn i ti'n Tâd,
  Am gariad mor rhagorol,
Wrth gael ein bara'n
      ffon ddidňr,
  Dda, genyt, mor ddigonol?

Dysg i ni fwyta er dy fawl,
  Yn hollawl o hyn allan;
Gan droi yn ol ryglyddol glod,
  Dw hynod, iddo'i hunan.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Goodness of God in his Providence)
Deserving praise, an excellent song,
  Is the holy Author of providence,
Who made for the earth good crops,
  To cheer us with nourishment.

Our pure Saviour, a full Governor,
  An upright and good God,
Has given us the fruit of our land
  This year truly generously.

He put on our fields a crop,
  And weather fervent and quiet,
To gather it as the material of good bread,
  A means secure and safe.

To furnish us to arrange it
    and to treat it,
  With our choice climate or weather;
And to gather it as our
    material of bread together.
  As holy work, all our year long.

We had deserved to feel, good Jesus,
  Yes, the harmful plague of hunger;
Despite this, mercies without number
  Constantly art thou extending.

Teach us to sacrifice to thee praise,
  Forever for thy gracious treasure;
Wind, earth, water,
    and the sun thou gavest,
  To save us thou didst turn from our side.

We had deserved to feel the black hunger,
  To press us under our garments,
For misusing thy good property,
  In gluttony with feasts.

What shall we pay to our Father,
  For love so excellent,
While getting our bread as
    an unbroken staff,
  Good, from thee, so sufficiently?

Teach us to eat to thy praise,
  Wholly from now on;
While returning the well-deserved praise,
  Of a notable God, unto himself.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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