Teilyngu'n taro'n fwy na neb

(Moliant i Awdwr bywyd)
Teilyngu'n taro, 'n fwy na neb,
  Yr ydym, heb waredydd;
Am in' ddibrisio d'eiriau di,
  I'n gweled mor ddig'wilydd.

O! Arglwydd, plana'n mhawb o'n gwlad,
  Wir fwriad edifeirwch;
Er cael o bawb o fewn ein tir
  Gyrhaeddyd y gwir heddwch.

Er bwgwth barn
    wnai arnom ni,
  I'n poeni â gwlybaniaeth,
Cyn taro'n ddwys
    am bwys ein bai,
  Hi'n ol a alwai eilwaith.

O! ddynion, cenwch ymhob cŵr
  I Awdwr ein bywydau,
Sy'n rhoddi'n hael y flwyddyn hon
  I ddynion o'i feddiannau.

Ein Duw a biau bob rhyw beth,
  Yn ddifeth, ni addefwn;
I gynnal dyn, er hyn, yn rhodd,
  Mae'n rhoi o'i fodd -

Ei eiddo Ef yw'r nef yn wir,
  Y môr, a'r tir, a'u mawredd;
Cânt oll gyd-daroyn gyttun,
  I gael o ddyn ymgeledd.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Praise to the Author of life)
Worthy of being beaten, more than anyone,
  We are, without a deliverer;
For our disparaging thy words,
  For us to be seen so shameless.

O Lord, plant in everyone of our country,
  A true intention of repentance;
In order for all within our land to get 
  To attain the true peace.

Although the threat of judgment
    would be upon us,
  To pain us with wetness,
Before striking us severely
    for the weight of our fault,
  It would call us back again.

O men, sing ye in every corner
  To the Author of our lives,
Who is giving generously this year
  To men from his possessions.

To our God belongs every kind of thing,
  Unfailingly, we profess;
To support man, despite this, as a gift,
  He is giving us voluntarily -
      let us wonder!

His possession is heaven truly,
  The sea, and the land, and their majesty;
They can all strike together in agreement,
  To get from man help.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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