Ti a aned gynt o fru Y Fendigaed Forwyn gu, Ti addolai'r nefol lu: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti fu'n Faban gwan ei gri, Ti enwaedwyd drosom ni, Ti fedyddiwyd yn y lli: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti a demtiwyd ar y llawr, Yn yr erchyll anial mawr, Cynhorthwya ninau 'nawr: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti ddirmygwyd yn y byd, Brofaist ein gwendidau i gyd, Cydymdeimla ar bob pryd: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti gystuddiwyd drwy Dy oes, Ti oddefaist chwerw loes, Ti a gwympaist dan y groes: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti a ddygaist ing a chur, Coron ddrain a'r hoelion dur, Gollaist waed Dy galon bur: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti, cyn it' ogwyddo'th ben, Lefaist seithwaith ar y pren Holltai'r graig, a rhwygai'r llen: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Llefaist seithwaith ar y pren, Cyn gogwyddo i lawr dy ben, Holltai'r graig, a rhwygai'r llen: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti a wnaethost daliad llawn Ar Galfaria un prydnawn, Trwy Dy werthfawr Waed yn lawn: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti fu'n farw, gwelw'th wedd Ti a ddodwyd yn y bedd, Fel yr hunem ni mewn hedd: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti, ar fore'r trydydd dydd, Ddaeth o rwymau angeu'n rhydd, Pentywysog Mawr ein ffydd: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti ddyrchefaist trwy fawrhâd I ororau'r nefol wlad, I deyrngadair Duw y Tad: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Ti a ddaw i farnu'r byd, Ar Dy orsedd wen ei phryd, Ac i ddeffro'r meirw i gyd: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. Yn y dydd ofnadwy ddaw, Dod ni ar Dy ddeheu-law, Dwg ni oll i'r nefoedd draw: Clyw ni, Arglwydd Iesu. trwy fawrhâd :: mewn mawrhâd cyf. John Williams (Glanmor) 1811-91
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Thou who wast once born from the dear womb Of a dear Blessed Virgin, Thee the host of heaven adored: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who wast a baby with a weak cry, Thou who wast circumcised for us, Thou who wast baptised in the flow: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who wast tempted on the earth, In the terrible great desert, Help us now: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who wast scorned in the world, Who experienced all our weaknesses, Sympathise on every occasion: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who wast afflicted throughout thy age, Thou who didst suffer bitter anguish, Thou who didst fall under the cross: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who didst bear agony and wounding, A crown of thorns and the steel nails, Who didst shed the blood of thy pure heart: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou, who before thou didst bow thy head, Didst cry seven times on the tree, The rock split, and the curtain tore: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou didst cry seven times on the tree, Before bowing down thy head, The rock split, and the curtain tore: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who didst make a full payment On Calvary one afternoon, Through thy precious blood fully: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who didst die, pale thy countenance, Thou who wast laid in the grave, That we might sleep in peace: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who, on the morning of the third day, Didst come free from the bonds of death, The Great Chief Prince of our faith: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who didst ascend through majesty To the frontiers of the heavenly land, To the throne of God the Father: Hear us, Lord Jesus. Thou who shalt come to judge the world, On thy throne of white appearance, And to awaken all the dead: Hear us, Lord Jesus. In the terrible coming day, Put us at thy right hand, Bring us all to yonder heaven: Hear us, Lord Jesus. through majesty :: in majesty tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |
By thy birth, O Lord of all, In a stable's lowly stall, Where Thou didst vouchsafe to rest On a human mother's breast; Guard Thy children, Lord, to thee Chanting this their litany. By Thy humble bed of straw, Thy obedience to the law; By Thy forty days of woe Wrestling with the mighty foe; Guard Thy children, Lord, to thee Chanting this our litany. By the hallowed water poured On Thy sacred head, O Lord, When Thou Jordan's wave didst bless, And fulfil all righteousness; Guard Thy children, Lord, to thee Chanting this our litany. By the anguish laid on Thee, Kneeling in Gethsemane, By Thy cross and precious death, By Thy last expiring breath; Guard Thy children, Lord, to thee Chanting this our litany. By the word of pardon blest To the dying thief addressed, By Thy cold and rocky bed, By Thy sojourn 'midst the dead; Guard Thy children, Lord, to thee Chanting this our litany. By Thy resurrection bright By Thy wondrous heavenly flight. By the throne where thou dost stand At Thy Father's own right hand; Guard Thy children, Lord, to thee Chanting this our litany.
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