Ti sydd yn gwrando angylion

(Clyw, Arglwydd.)
Ti sydd yn gwrando angylion
  Yn canu dy fawl erioed,
Ni colli nodau aderyn
  A gân rhwng cangau y coed.

    Clyw, O! Arglwydd, a gwrando
      O'r nef sy'n ganu i gyd;
    Ti sy'n ben moliant
            fry mewn ogoniant,
      Clyw blant bychain y byd.

Ti biau anthem y dyfnder,
  Dy fawl sydd ar donnau'r môr,
Ond clywi
        nentydd y bryniau,
  Maent hwy yn perthyn i'th gôr.

Mawl sydd ar gopa'r mynyddoedd,
  A chlod ar bob perth a thwyn;
        utgorn y gwyntoedd,
   A su yr
          awel fach fwyn.

Molwn dy enw, O! Arglwydd,
  Dy glod fyddo ar bob tant;
Yng nghanol canu angylion
  Mae lle i
          leisiau y plant.
Robert Beynon 1881-1953
Emynau a Thonau'r Plant 1949

Tôn [8787+77556]: Clyw Arglwydd
    (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-1960)

(Hear, Lord!)
Thou who dost ever hear
  The angels singing thy praise,
Thou dost not miss the notes of a bird
  That sings between the wood's branches.

    Hear, O Lord, and listen
      From heaven that is all singing!
    Thou who art the head of praise
            up above in glory,
      Hear the small children of the world.

To thee belongs the anthem of the deep,
  Thy praise is upon the waves of the sea,
But thou dost hear
        the streams of the hills,
  They belong to thy choir.

Praise is on the tops of the mountains,
  And acclaim on every bush and hillock;
Thou dost listen to
        the trumpet of the winds,
  And the whisper of the
          small, gentle breeze.

We praise thy name, O Lord!
  May thy acclaim be on every string;
In the midst of the singing of the angels
  There is room for
          the voices of the children.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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