Tori wne's fy addunedau
Tori wnes fy addunedau
Torri wnes fy addunedau

Rhan I - 1,2,3;  1,2,3,4,5;  1,6.
Tori wnes fy addunedau Gant o weithiau maith eu rhi'; Ac mae'n rhaid rhyw ras anfeidrol Gadw euog fel myfi; Wrth yr orsedd 'rwyf yn cwympo, Ac nid oes o dan y nef, Fan y caf fi feddyginiaeth, Ond o flaen ei orsedd Ef. Grâs fel moroedd all fy achub, Perffaith gyflawn ym mhob rhan, Grâs a roddo nerth a bywyd, Ac a wnelo'n gryf y gwan; Rhaid cyfiawnder, rhaid doethineb, A phob grasau, fawr a mân, Cyn yr elo f'enaid eiddil, Sydd mewn cadwyn, gàm yn mlaen. Rhaid cael llygaid, fel y gwelwyf Hyfryd beraidd lwybrau'r dydd; A chael holl allweddau'r nefoedd I ddad-gloi cadwynau'n rhydd; A chael llusern fawr y bywyd Fyth i gerdded o fy mlaen, Ganol dydd yn gwmwl goleu, Ganol nôs yn golofn dân. Tywysog bywyd, bydd o'm hochr, 'Rwyf yn mron a llwfrhau; 'Dyw 'ngelynion, mewn rhifedi Na chyndynrwydd, ronyn llai; Torf o faes o hyd sy'n temtio, Torf o fewn o'u cymmaint hwy, Ac mewn cynghrair gyda'u gilydd Am roi i mi farwol glwy'. Minnau rois fy holl ymddiried, Iesu, arnat ti dy hun; Ac nid oes un enw arall A all achub y fath un; Tyn fi'n mlaen i'r ardal hyfryd, 'Maes o'r anial maith ei hyd; Ti gei'r clod a'r holl ogoniant Pan yn ulw'r elo'r byd. Atat, Arglwydd, dyrcha f'enaid, Rho f'och'neidiau ger dy fron; Unrhyw ateb i'm griddfanau Dyfnion fedd y ddaear hon; Mae fy nghalon yn ehedeg, Mae fy nymuniadau'n llu, Yn dihengu uwch troiadau Haul a sêr y nefoedd fry.
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Torri wnes fy addunedau Gant o weithiau maith eu rhi'; Ac mae'n rhaid wrth ras anfeidrol I gadw euog fel myfi; Wrth yr orsedd 'r wyf yn cŵympo, Ac nid oes un enw i maes, Ag y rydd im feddyginiaeth, Ond yn unig gorsedd gras. Gras fel moroedd all fy achub, Perffaith gyflawn ym mhob rhan, Gras a roddo nerth a bywyd, Ac a wnelo'n gryf y gwan; Rhaid wrth iawnder a doethineb, A phob grasau, fawr a mân, Cyn yr êl fy enaid eiddil, Sydd mewn cadwyn, gam ymlaen. Minnau rois fy holl ymddiried, Iesu, arnat Ti dy Hun; Ac nid oes un enw arall A all achub y fath un; Tyn fi 'mlaen i'r ardal hyfryd, 'Maes o'r anial maith ei hyd; Ti gei'r clod a'r holl ogoniant Wedi'r elo'n ulw'r byd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Alexander (John Roberts 1806-79)
Bavaria (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Eifionydd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Gwynfa (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Hebron (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
  Horeb (<1869)
Tantum ergo (Chants Ordinaires 1881)

  Rhan II - Twysog bywyd bydd o'm hochr

I broke my vows A hundred times of great number; And there is need for some immeasurable grace To save a guilty one like me; At the throne I will fall, And the is nowhere under heaven, Where I may get medical treatment, But before His throne. Grace like oceans can save me, Perfect, full in every part, Grace which gives strength and life, And which makes strong the weak; There is need of righteousness, need of wisdom, And all graces, great fawr and small, Before my feeble soul go, Which is in a chain, a step onward. Need to have eyes, thus will I see The delightful, sweet paths of the day; And have all the keys of the heavens To unlock the chains free; And get the great lantern of life Forever to walk in front of me, At midday as a cloud of light, At midnight as a column of fire. The Prince of life, he will be on my side, I almost quail; Enemies in numbers do not Nor obstinacy, the least grain; A crowd outside which continue to tempt, A crowd within of their greatness, And in league with each other Wanting to give me a mortal wound. As for me, I will put my whole trust, Jesus, in thee thyself; And there is no other name Which can save such a one; Draw me forward to the delightful region, Out of the the desert of vast extent; Thou wilt get the praise and all the glory When to ashes goes the world. To thee, Lord, I lift up my soul, Put my sighs before thee; Any answer to my deep Groans which belong to this earth; My heart is flying, My wishes are a host, Escaping above the turns Of the sun and the stars of the heavens above.
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I broke my vows A hundred times of great number; And there is need for some immeasurable grace To save a guilty one like me; At the throne I will fall, And there is no name henceforth, Which gives me medical treatment, But only the throne of grace. Grace like oceans can save me, Perfect, full in every part, Grace which gives strength and life, And which makes strong the weak; There is need for righteousness and wisdom, And all graces, great and small, Before my feeble soul go, Which is in a chain, a step forward. As for me, I have put my whole trust, Jesus, in thee thyself; And there is no other name Which can save such a one; Draw me forward to the delightful region, Out of the the desert of vast extent; Thou wilt get the praise and all the glory When the world goes to ashes.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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