Tra b'wyf yn llawn gwahanglwy'

Tra b'wyf yn llawn gwahanglwy',
  Rhaid i mi dramwy'n drist,
Nes cael fy nhebygoli
  Mewn gradd i Iesu Grist,
Ac yna fe'm digonir,
  Pan gleddir fy hen glwy,
Gorphwysaf mewn tangnefedd,
  Heb ddim a'mhuredd mwy.

O rhyfedd drefn yr arfaeth!
  Trefn iachawdwriaeth Duw,
Trefn wych i ladd fy mhechod,
  A minnau i fod yn fyw;
Trefn achub y pechadur
  Ar lwybr hynod lān,
A threfn i ddifa'i bechod:
  O! f'enaid, cyfod, cān.

Trefn ryfedd oedd i rifo
  Ein dyled arno ef,
A rhifo'i eiddo yntau
  I ninnau dan y nef:
Y glān yn lle yr aflan,
  Yn griddfan ar y groes,
I'r aflan gael trugaredd:
  Ond rhyfedd fel y troes!

Yn nhŷ fy nhād yn ddiau,
  Mae pur drigfanau i fyw;
Trigfaau pur, di-ofid,
  Tir gwynfyd, hyfryd yw:
Dring, f'enaid, i'r trigfanau,
  Mewn myfyrdodau dwys;
Ar Iesu Grist dy Lywydd,
  Dod beunydd dy holl bwys.

Trigfanau goreu cariad,
  O parattoad Duw,
Preswylfa bur, ddi-beryg,
  Lle bendigedig yw;
Lle cai di wel'd yn eglur,
  Fab Duw mewn natur dyn,
A gweled plant y deyrnas,
  O'i gwmpas bod ag un.

Cyfiawnder Crist yn unig
  Yn gyfrifedig im',
A guddia'm noethni gwarthus,
  Fel nad ymddengys ddim:
Os cāf gyfiawnder Iesu
  Am danaf felly i fyw,
Pan āf i drag'wyddoldeb,
  Nid ofnaf wyneb Duw.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Hymnau ar Amryw Destynau ac Achosion 1820

[Mesur: 7676D]

While I am full of leprosy,
  I must travel sadly,
Until I get to be made similar
  In a degree to Jesus Christ,
And then I shall be satisfied,
  When my old disease is buried,
I shall rest in tranquility,
  With nothing to make me impure any more.

O wonderful plan of the purpose!
  The plan of salvation of God,
A brilliant plan to slay my sin,
  And for me to be alive;
A plan to save the sinner
  On a remarkably holy path,
And a plan to eradicate his sin:
  O my soul, arise, sing!

A wonderful plan which was to account
  Our debt to him,
And to account his possession
  To us under heaven:
The holy in the place of the unholy,
  Groaning on the cross,
For the unholy to get mercy:
  Was it not strange as it turned out!

In my Father's house doubtless,
  There are pure dwellings where to live;
Pure, fear-free dwellings,
  A blessed, delightful land it is:
Climb, my soul, to the dwellings,
  In intense meditations;
On Jesus Christ thy Leader,
  Lean daily all thy weight.

The best dwellings of love,
  From the preparation of God,
Pure, peril-free dwellings,
  A blessed place it is;
Where thou mayst see clearly,
  The Son of God in the nature of man,
And see the children of the kingdom,
  Around him that they are as one.

The righteousness of Christ alone
  Accounted to me,
That shall cover my shameful nakedness,
  That it not appear at all:
If I may get the righteousness of Jesus
  Around me thus to live,
When I go to eternity,
  I shall not fear the face of God.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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