Tra mae 'nghalon fach yn dyner

Saviour while my heart is tender

(Cymer fi)
Tra mae 'nghalon fach yn dyner,
  Iesu annwyl, cymer hi;
Pob peth feddaf fi, O! cymer,
  Hwy am byth yn eiddot Ti.

  Cymer fi, (cymer fi,)
  Cymer fi, (cymer fi,)
Tra mae 'nghalon fach yn dyner,
  Iesu annwyl, cymer fi.

Cymer fi yn awr, fy Iesu,
  Tra fwy'n ieuanc, dan Dy nôd,
Nerth ac awydd i'th wasnaethu
  Yn fy nghalon dirion dod.

Gwna fi i gerdded ffordd y mynni -
  Dim ond i Ti fod ger llaw:
Gall rhai bach fel ni orchfygu,
  Yn Dy nerth, bob gelyn ddaw.

Dysg im' wneud fel byddi'n gofyn -
  Gofyn gormod nid wyt Ti;
Rwyt yn hoffi ymdrech plentyn,
  Er mor eiddil ydyw hi.

Rwyf am roi i Ti fy mywyd,
  Treulio 'nyddiau yn Dy waith;
Wedi gweithio, bydd yn hyfryd
  Gorffwys draw ar ben fy nhaith.
cyf. G Pennar Griffiths (Penar) 1860-1918

Tôn [8787+887]: Cymer Fi (W H Thomas)

(Take me)
While my little heart is tender,
  Dear Jesus, take it;
Everything that I have, O take!
  They forever belong to thee.

      Take me, (take me,)
      Take me, (take me,)
    While my little heart is tender,
      Dear Jesus, take me.

Take me now, my Jesus,
  While I am young, under Thy mark,
Strength and eagerness to serve thee
  In my tender heart put.

Make me walk a road thou insist -
  If only thou be at hand:
Little ones like us can overcome,
  In the strength, every enemy that comes.

Teach me to do as thou art asking -
  Asking too much thou art not;
Thou art favouring a child's effort,
  Although so feeble it is.

I am giving to thee my life,
  Spending my days in thy work;
Having worked, it shall be delightful
  To rest yonder at my journey's end.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
Saviour, while my heart is tender,
  I would yield that heart to Thee;
All my powers to Thee surrender,
  Thine and only Thine to be.

Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me;
  Let my youthful heart be Thine;
Thy devoted servant make me;
  Fill my soul with love divine.

Send me, Lord, where Thou wilt send me,
  Only do Thou guide my way;
May Thy grace through life attend me,
  Gladly then shall I obey.

Let me do Thy will or bear it;
  I would know no will but Thine;
Shouldst Thou take my life or spare it,
  I that life to Thee resign.

Thine I am, O Lord, for ever
  To Thy service set apart;
Suffer me to leave Thee never,
  Seal Thine image on my heart.
John Burton 1803-77

Tunes [8787]:
Mariners (Sicilian air)
Shipston (English air)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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