Trag'wyddol anherfynol fod

(Duw'n Annechreuol)
Trag'wyddol anherfynol fod,
  Anorfod Dri yn Un;
Cyn gosod draw
    sylfeini'r byd,
  Duw'n symud ynddo'i hun.

Cyn creu angylaidd
    sereiph rif,
  Aneirif luoedd gwiw;
Cyn gosod seiliau
    disglaer nef,
  'Rwy'n addef fod fy Nuw.

Pryd nad oedd uffern
    fawr ei gwg,
  Nac angel drwg na da;
'Roedd Un anfeidrol a digoll,
  Yn oll a'i enw'n Ja'.
Owen Williams (Owain Gwyrfai) 1790-1874

[Mesur: MC 8686]

(God without Beginning)
Eternal infinite being,
  Insuperable Three in One;
Before setting down
    the world's foundation stones,
  God moving within himself.

Before creating the number
    of angelic seraphim,
  Innumerable worthy hosts;
Before setting the radiant
    foundations of heaven,
 I confess that God existed.

When there was no hell
    with its great scowl,
  Nor angel evil or good;
There was One immeasurable and unfailing,
  In all and his name was Jah.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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