Tragwyddol fawl i ti O Dad

(Daioni a thrugaredd yn cylchunu y saint. - Salm xxiii)
Tragwyddol fawl i ti, O Dad,
Cylchyni fi â'th ddoniau mâd;
  Gwridiaf, gan lawned wyf
      trwy'th ras -
  Uwchlaw ei Arglwydd
      gwnest y gwas.

Gofidus ŵr, ein Iesu gawn,
A dolur yn gynnefin iawn;
  Bu Mab y dyn,
      y Bugail mawr,
  "Heb le i roi ei ben i lawr."

Crist yw fy nawdd! ffoed ofnau'n un,
Craig fawr yr oesoedd,
    byth ni chrŷn;
  Mi lech' yn nghedyrn freichiau Duw -
  Yn mreichiau i gariad byddaf byw.

Hoffi yr wyt fy nerbyn i,
I fod am byth yn eiddot ti;
  Ac ni adewi,
      tra b'o sêr
  Un pryfyn gwan, roi'i bwys ar Nêr.
Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol (Daniel Jones) 1845

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Goodness and mercy surrounding the saints. - Psalm 23)
Eternal praise to thee, O Father,
Thou dost encircle me with thy good gifts;
  I blush, since I am so full
      through thy grace -
  Above his Lord thou didst
      make the servant.

A Man of sorrows, we find our Jesus,
With sadness very familiar;
  He was the Son of man,
      the great Shepherd,
  "With nowhere to lay down his head."

Christ is my refuge! let fears flee as one,
The great Rock of ages,
    that never shall tremble;
  I shall hide in the firm arms of God -
  In arms for love I shall live.

Thou art loving to receive me,
For me to be forever thy own;
  And thou shalt not leave,
      while ever there be stars,
  Any weak worm, who leans on the Lord.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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