Tri yn Un ac Un yn Dri

Three in One and One in Three

Tri yn Un, ac Un yn Dri,
Llywydd mawr y llawr a'r lli,
Boed i'n mawl a'n câni ti
  Esgyn at dy sedd.

Nefol Wawl! bob bore ddydd
Dyro in oleuni ffydd;
Dueud balm dy gariad rhydd
  I sirioli'n gwedd.

Nefol Wawl! llewyrcha di,
Pan fachludo'n heulwen ni,
Maddau'n beiau mawr diri',
  Moes in hwyrol hedd.

Tri yn Un, ac Un yn Dri,
Yma'n egwan molwn di;
Gyda'r Saint y canom ni
  Draw, ti hwnt i'r bedd.
cyf. Hymnau Hen a Newydd
    (Shadrach Price / Owen Jones) 1868

Tôn [7775]: Capetown (Friedrich Filitz 1804-76)

Three in One, and One in Three,
Great Governor of land and sea,
May our praise and our song to thee
  Be ascending to thy throne.

Heavenly Brightness! on every morn of day
Grant us the light of faith;
May the balm of thy free love come
  To cheer our countenance.

Heavenly Brightness! shine thou,
When our sunshine sets,
Forgive our great unnumbered sins,
  Give thy nightly peace.

Thee in One, and One in Three,
Here weakly we praise thee;
With the saints we shall get to sing
  Yonder, beyond the grave.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
Three in One, and One in Three,
Ruler of the earth and sea,
Hear us while we lift to Thee
  Holy chant and psalm.

Light of lights! with morning-shine,
Lift on us Thy light divine;
And let charity benign
  Breathe on us her balm.

Light of lights! when falls the even,
Let it close on sin forgiven;
Fold us in the peace of heaven;
  Shed a holy calm.

Three in One, and One in Three,
Dimly here we worship Thee;
With the saints hereafter we
  Hope to bear the palm.
1849 Gilbert Rorison 1821-61

Tôn [7775]: Capetown (Friedrich Filitz 1804-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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