Trugaredd a gwirionedd

(Salm LXXXV, 10-11 - Undeb y Priodoliaethau Duw)
Trugaredd a gwirionedd
  A ymgyfarfu ynghyd;
Cyfiawnder efo heddwch,
  A'i gwenau ar ein byd;
Gwirionedd dardd o'r ddaear,
  Cyfiawnder edrych lawr,
Yn siriol ar bechadur
  Gofleidio'r Meddyg mawr.

Ein daear a rydd hefyd
  Ei chnwd i ddynolryw,
Er meithrin plant a magu
  I deulu anwyl Duw;
Cyfiawnder a flaenora,
  Ni feiddia neb i fod
Yn uchel ond yr Iesu -
  Daw'r cyan dan ei dro'd.
Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol (Daniel Jones) 1845

[Mesur: 7676D]

(Psalm 85:10-11 - The Unity of God's Attributes)
Mercy and truth
  Have met together;
Righteousness with peace,
  With their smiles upon our world;
Truth springs from the earth,
  Righteousness looks down,
Cheerfully on the sinner
  The great Physician embraces.

Our earth shall give also
  Its produce to humankind,
For the nurturing of children and for
  The beloved family of God to grow up;
Righteousness shall go before,
  No-one shall dare to be
Exalted but Jesus -
  The whole shall come under his feet.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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