Trugaredd Duw i'n plth (A'i fendith i ni gyd)

(Helaethrwydd teyrnas Dduw - Psalm 67.1-5.)
Trugaredd Duw i'n plith,
  A'i fendith i ni gyd!
Tywynned mwy ei wyneb mad
  Ar dref a gwlad o hyd!
Fel gwyper ffordd dy ras
  Trwy'r ddaear
      las o'r bron,
A'th iachawdwriaeth fawr ym mhlith
  Holl amrith bobloedd hon.

Duw, moled pobloedd di,
  Rhont fawl a bri ynghŷd;
Ar holl genhedloedd is y nen,
  Yn llawen bont o hyd.
O moled pawb yn bêr
  Sydd is y ser yn byw,
Tydi ein Duw a'n dwyfol Dad,
  A Cheidwad dynol ryw.

Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1837

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]

(The abundance of the kingdom of God - Psalm 67:1-5.)
The mercy of God in our midst,
  And his blessing to us all!
May his good face shine evermore
  On town and country always!
Thus the way of thy grace is to be known
  Throughout the blue-green
      earth completely,
And thy great salvation in the midst
  Of all these various peoples.

God, may peoples praise thee,
  Let them give praise and renown together;
And all the nations under the sky,
  Let them be joyful always.
O let all praise sweetly
  That are living under the stars,
Thou our God and our divine Father,
  And the Saviour of human kind.

tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
1 To bless thy chosen race,
    in mercy, Lord, incline;
  And cause the brightness of thy face
    On all thy saints to shine.
2 That so thy wondrous ways
    may through the world be known,
  While distant lands their tribute pay,
    and thy salvation own.
3 Let diff'ring nations join
    to celebrate thy fame;
  Let all the world, O Lord, combine
    to praise thy glorious Name.
4 O let them shout and sing
    with joy and pious mirth,
  For thou, the righteous Judge and King,
    shalt govern all the earth.
5 Let diff'ring nations, join
    to celebrate thy fame;
  Let all the world, O Lord, combine
    to praise thy glorious Name.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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