Trwy ffydd eheda gweddi'r gwael

(Gorchestion ffydd)
Trwy ffydd
    eheda gweddi'r gwael
  Ac yntau gyda lu,
Tỳr ei gadwynau'n chwilfriw mân
  Yn ngolwg Calfari.

O'r dyfnder
    esgyn gweddi'r ffydd
  O eigion moroedd mawr;
Ac o gyfammod Duw,
    a'i wedd,
  Mae'n tỳni bedd i lawr. 

Trwy ffydd mae'n cadw
    nghanol tân,
  Er nerth ei anian ef:
Yn ghanol llewod, byw mae ffydd,
  Â'i golwg tua'r nef. 

Saif ffydd,
    trwy iachawdwriaeth Iôr,
  Er gweled môr yn cau;
A ffydd, â'i gwialen,
    gair y llŵ,
  A rwyga hwnw'n ddau.

Pe âi'r mynyddoedd
    oll i'r môr,
  Yr Arglwydd Iôr yw rhan
Pob perchen ffydd,
    ac ato rhêd
  Am nodded yn mhob màn.

I'r làn, o'r dyfnder du, a'r dòn,
  Daw etifeddion ffydd,
A'u cân yn un,
    er chwerw loes,
  Am angeu'r groes ryw ddydd.
Richard Jones ?1771/3-1833

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Belmont (William Gardiner 1769-1853)
Christchurch (alaw henafol)
Gwinllan (hen alaw Gymreig)
Manchester (Robert Wainwright 1748-82)
Solomon (G F Handel 1685-1759)

gwelir: Trwy ffydd fe wel yr enaid gwan

(The achievements of prayer)
Through faith
    the prayer of the poor will fly
  And he with a host,
His chains will break into small fragments
  In the sight of Calvary.

From the depth
    the prayer of faith will ascend
  From the ocean of great seas;
And from the covenant of God,
    and his countenance,
  It is pulling the grave down.

Through faith he keeps
   in the midst of fire,
  For the strength of his nature:
In the midst of lions, faith will live,
  With its sight towards heaven.

Faith will stand,
    through the Lord's salvation,
  Although seeing a sea closing;
And faith, with its rod,
    the word of the oath,
  Shall rend that into two.

If the mountains were all
    to go into the sea,
  The Sovereign Lord is the portion
Of every possessor of faith,
    who to him will run
  For refuge in every place.

Up, from the black depths, and the wave,
  Shall come the inheritors of faith,
With their song as one,
    despite bitter anguish,
  About the death of the cross some day.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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