Trwy ffydd fe wel yr enaid gwan

Trwy ffydd fe wel yr enaid gwan,
  A'r truan, le i droi;
Ac o wastadedd Sodom fawr
  Fe'i gweithia'n awr i ffoi.

Fe nesa'r euog yn ei waed,
  Trwy ffydd, at draed Mab Duw:
A gwel mai'r bywyd, a'r iachâd,
  A'r adgyfodiad yw.

Trwy ffydd eheda gweddi'r gwael,
  Ac yntau gyda hi;
Tyr ei gadwynau'n chwilfriw mân
  Yn ngolwg Calfari.

Gair yr addewid yw ei sail,
  Ffyddlondeb Duw yn un
Yw ei chadernid pur a'i nerth,
  Trwy aberth Crist ei Hun.

I'r lan, o'r dyfnder du a'r dòn,
  Daw etifeddion ffydd,
A'u cân yn un,
    er chwerw loes,
Am angeu'r groes ryw ddydd.
Richard Jones ?1771-1833

[Mesur: MC 8686]

gwelir: Trwy ffydd eheda gweddi'r gwaed

Through faith the weak soul and
  The wretched, see a place to turn;
And from the plain of great Sodom
  They make now to flee.

The guilty draws near in his blood,
  Through faith, to the Son of God's feet:
And sees that the life, and the healing,
  And the resurrection he is.

Through faith the prayer of the poor flies,
  And himself with it;
His chains break into small fragments
  In the view of Calvary.

The word of promise is his foundation,
  The faithfulness of God the same
Is his pure stedfastness and his strength,
  Through the sacrifice of Christ himself.

Up, from the black depth and the wave,
  Shall come the heirs of faith,
With their song the same,
      despite bitter anguish,
  About the death of the cross some day.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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