Trwy ffydd Yn ngwaed yr Oen i'n gwnaed yn rhydd, O'n carchar a'n caethiwed prudd; Ond ein Mechnìÿdd, fe'i daliwyd e' I ateb holl ofynion Duw, Rhyfeddol yw aeth yn ein lle. Yn lle y dynion gwaetha dan y ne', Yr Oen difai, dyoddefodd e'; A hyn wy'n ddadleu, f'anwyl Dduw: A than ei gysgod, gwnaf fy nyth, Mi a'i caraf byth, tra byddwyf byw. Byw byw, Yw'r Iesu'm ffrynd, a'm Prynwr gwiw, Er iddo gynt gael marwol friw: A sicr yw, mai byw wna'r saint; O herwydd bod eu Ceidwad cu, Yn eiriol fry, rhyfeddol fraint. Braint, braint, 'Does neb a all fynegi ei maint, Yw bod yn un o'r ffyddlon saint; Pan ddel digofaint Duw ryw ddydd, Ar rai digred, fel tymhestl gre', Y duwiol fe, diangol fydd.Hymnau a Salmau 1840 [Mesur: 288.888] gwelir: Braint braint (Yw cael cymdeithas gyda'r saint) Mae mae (Ein Harglwydd hael yn trugarhau) Yn lle (Y dynion gwaethaf dan y ne') |
Through faith In the blood of the Lamb to make us free, From our prison and our sad captivity; But our Surety, it was paid by him To answer all the requirements of God, 'Tis wonderful that he went in our place. In place Of the worst men under heaven, The faultless lamb, he suffered; And this I am arguing, my dear God: And under his shadow, I make my nest, I shall love him forever, while I live. Living, living, Is Jesus my friend, and my worthy Redeemer, Since he once got a mortal bruise: And certain it is, that the saints shall live; Because there dear Saviour is, Interceding above, a wonderful privilege. A privilege, privilege, (There is none that can express its extent) Is being one of the faithful saints; When the wrath of God comes some day, One unbelieving ones, like a strong tempest, The godly, he saved shall 2023 Richard B Gillion |
To know The saints' communion here below, The fountain whence heaven's riches flow, Gives purer glow than earthly love; The sweet communion here is blest, But far the best in heaven E Arthur Jones Cân a Mawl / Song and Praise 1918 |