Trwy Grist a'i werthfawr waed

(Maddeuant trwy Grist)
Trwy Grist a'i werthfawr waed
Y daeth maddeuant rhâd,
  I ddynol-ryw
Iachawdwr gwiw a gaed;
Ei fywyd pur a'i angeu loes,
A'i ddioddefaint ar y groes,
  A ddygo fy serchiadau
Tra par'o dyddiau f'oes.

Yn nyfnder pob rhyw loes
A gorthrymderau f'oes
  Fy noddfa a'm nerth
Yw'r aberth ar y groes:
Rhinweddau haeddiant marwol glwy'
Yw 'nghysur yn y byd tra bwy'
  A'm hunig ddigonoldeb
I dragwyddoldeb mwy.
Siarl Mark 1720-95

Tonau [6646.8876]:
Noddfa (Johann G Ebeling 1637-76)
Trefdeyrn (alaw Gymreig)

  Mae udgorn Jiwbili
  Teg wawriodd arnom ddydd

(Forgiveness through Christ)
Through Christ and his precious blood
Came free forgiveness,
  For human-kind
A worthy Saviour was found;
His pure life and his throes of death,
And his suffering on the cross,
  Shall draw my affections
While the days of my life endure.

In the depth of every kind of anguish
And the afflictions of my life
  My refuge and my strength
Is the sacrifice on the cross:
The merits of the virtue of a mortal wound
Are my comfort in the world while I live
  And my only sufficiency
For an eternity henceforth.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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