Trwy y dagrau ar dy wedd

By the tender love that wept

(Y Meirw)
Trwy y dagrau ar dy wedd,
Ym Methania wrth y bedd,
Trwy dy lef ar Galfari
  Iesu, clyw ein litani.

Duw, y Tad y sydd o'r nef,
Duw, ei Un Mab gydag ef,
Duw, yr Ysbryd, clyw ein llef,
  Wrth y meirw trugarha.

Iesu Grist, Waredwr mawr
Holl eneidiau oesau'r llawr,
O bendithia di yn awr
  Bawb sy'n gorffwys ynot ti.

Iesu Grist, y Duw yn Ddyn,
A fyn ddwyn pawb ato'i hun,
O bendithia di bob un
  Sydd yn gorffwys ynot ti.

Trwy dy gariad atom ni,
A'th dosturi fel y lli,
Maddau a bendithia di
  Bawb sy'n gorffwys ynot ti.

Trwy yr ing na
    fu ei fwy,
Trwy dy grog a'th
    ddirfawr glwy',
Brynwr byd, bendithia hwy
  Sydd yn gorffwys ynot ti.

Trwy dy fynd i lawr i'r bedd,
Trwy dy godi ar newydd wedd,
Arglwydd, dyro fythol hedd
  I'r rhai orffwys ynot ti.

Trwy d'esgyniad, Iesu mad,
I drifgannau'r nefol wlad,
Derbyn di i dŷ dy Dad
  Bawb sy'n gorffwys ynot ti.

Iôr, prysura'r ddedwydd awr
Y deffröir plant
    y llawr,
A chyfrannu'r teulu mawr -
  Clyw ni, sanctaidd Iesu.

Clyw weddďau'r Eglwys lân,
A offryma mawr a mân
Am gyfundeb diwahân -
  Clyw ni, sanctaidd Iesu.

Dyro iddynt ran yn awr,
Arglwydd, yn yr Aberth mawr,
Yn dy Eglwys ar y llawr,
  Clyw ni, sanctaidd Iesu.

Dyro iddynt, Arglwydd cu,
Le ymhlith y saint y sy
Gylch yr orsedd ddisglair fry -
  Clyw ni, sanctaidd Iesu.

Boed i'n gweddi, dirion Dad,
Moddion gras, ac ordinhad
Ychwanegu eu mwynhad -
  Clyw ni, sanctaidd Iesu.

Atolygwn, derbyn di,
Ein gwasanaeth yn dy dŷ,
Cadw a bendithia ni,
  Clyw ni, sanctaidd Iesu.
cyf. David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948

Tonau [7776]:
Lonsdale (F A J Hervey 1846-1910)
Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland (Gesangbüchlein 1524)
Song 13 (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
  Ymadawedig (tr. William Henry Monk 1823-89)

(The Dead)
Through the tears on thy face,
In Bethany beside the grave,
Through thy cry on Calvary
  Jesus, hear our litany.

God, the Father who is from heaven,
God, his only Son with him,
God, the Spirit, hear our cry,
  On the dead have mercy.

Jesus Christ, thou great Deliverer
Of all the souls of earth's ages,
O bless thou now
  All who are resting in thee.

Jesus Christ, the God as Man,
Who insists on drawing all unto himself,
O bless thou every one
  Who is resting in thee.

Through thy love towards us,
And thy mercy like the flood,
Forgive and bless thou
  Everyone who is resting in thee.

Through the anguish than which
    never was greater,
Through thy execution and thy
    and thy enormous wound,
Redeemer of the world, bless thou them
  Who are resting in thee.

Through thy going down to the grave,
Through thy rising with a new appearance,
Lord, give everlasting peace
  For those to rest in thee.

Through thy ascension, worthy Jesus,
To the residences of the heavenly land,
Receive thou into thy Father's house
  All who are resting in thee.

Master, hasten the happy hour
When the children of earth
    are to be awakened,
And partake of the great family -
  Hear us, holy Jesus.

Hear the prayers of the holy Church,
Which it offers great and small
For an undivided communion -
  Hear us, holy Jesus.

Give to them a portion now,
Lord, in the great Sacrifice,
In thy Church on the earth,
  Hear us, holy Jesus.

Give to them, dear Lord,
A place amongst the saints who are
Around the radiant throne above -
  Hear us, holy Jesus.

May our prayer, tender Father,
The means of grace, and ordinance
Increase their enjoyment -
  Hear us, holy Jesus.

Accept, we beseech thee,
Our service in thy house,
Keep and bless us,
  Hear us, holy Jesus.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
By the tender love that wept

St Margaret's Hymnal 1875
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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