Trwy y cysgodau cudd

1,2,(3);  1,3.
(Sylwedd y cysgodau)
Trwy y cysgodau cudd,
  'Roedd rhai yn canfod
O bell, â golwg ffydd,
  Oen Duw, yn dyfod:
Y Sylwedd mawr ei ddawn
I dali perffaith Iawn,
A rhoi gollyngdod llawn,
  Drwy waed y cymod.

A syllu draw o bell
  A wnaent yn fynych,
Gan waeddu — "Gwlad sydd well
  Yr y'm yn chwenych:"
Dieithriaid am eu hoes,
Cyrfarchent bob rhyw loes,
A'u cred yn Oen y groes -
  Ef oedd eu gwrthddrych.

Fe ddaeth, mae'r ffordd yn rhydd
  I fro'r goleuni;
A modd i ffoi, trwy ffydd,
  O bob trueni:
Fe ddaeth, - aeth at y Tad,
Yn rhin ei Ddwyfol waed,
Gan gael i ni ryddhâd,
  Rhag cael ein cospi.

[Fe ddaeth, mae'r ffordd yn rhydd
   I fro'r goleuni;
 A modd i ffoi, trwy ffydd,
   O bob trueni:
 'R ail waith y daw o'r nef,
 Pan rhoddo'r udgorn lef -
 A'i eiddo geidw Ef,
   Rhag cael eu cospi.]
dali :: rhoddi
Cyrfarchent :: Wynebent
Oen y :: Nghrist a'i

Samuel Roberts 1800-85

Tonau [6565.6665]:
Glan 'r Iorddonen (John H Roberts 1848-1924)
Rhuddlan (<1875)
Spanish Chant (alaw Sbaeneg)

(The substance of the shadows)
Through the hidden shadows,
  Some have been finding
From afar, with the sight of faith,
  The Lamb of God, coming:
The great Substance of his ability
To pay a perfect Satisfaction,
And grant a full acquittal,
  Through the blood of the covenant.

And stare yonder from afar
  They would often,
While shouting - "A land that is better
  We are desiring:"
Strangers for their lifetimes,
  They would welcome every kind of grief,
And believe in the Lamb of the cross -
  He was their object.

He came, the road is free
  To the vale of the light;
And a way to flee, through faith,
  From every sorrow:
He came, - he went to the Father,
In the merit of his Divine blood,
While obtaining for us freedom,
  From our getting punished.

[He came, the road is free
   To the vale of the light;
 And a way to flee, through faith,
   From every sorrow:
 The second time he will come from heaven,
 When the trumpet gives a cry -
 And his own He will keep,
   From getting punished.]
pay :: give
They would welcome :: They would face
Lamb of the :: Christ and his

tr. 2012,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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