Tydi fy unig Arglwydd yw

(Digonolrwydd llawenydd ger Dy fron)
Tydi, fy unig Arglwydd yw
Terfyniad cystudd bob rhyw,
  A diwedd gofal, diwedd gwae:
Pob trallod sydd fewn y byd
Sy'n darfod ynot Ti ynghyd;
  'D oes yn Dy gwmni
      boen na thrai.

Pa bryd y ffŷ cymylau'r nôs,
Sy'n cuddio rhinwedd
    gwaed y groes?
  Pa bryd câf wel'd yn oleu clir
Yr etifeddiaeth ddaeth i'm rhan, 
Wrth goelbren nef, yn oreu fàn
  O'r hyfryd, sanctaidd, nefol dir.

Mae meddwl am yr oriau pur
Câf rodio paradwysaidd dir,
  Ac yfed pleser sy'n parhau,
Mewn gwlad heb lewyrch
      haul na lloer,
Na therfysg tir, na thwrf y môr,
  Yn awr yn gwneyd im' lawenhau.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888D]:
Hen-Goed (Psalmydd Ffrengig 1551)
Llangoedmor (John Jeffreys)
Nazareth (<1869)
Pantycelyn (alaw Ellmynig)
Swiss Tune (J Schmidlin 1722-72)

(The sufficiency of joy in thy presence)
Thou, my only Lord, art
The termination of affliction of every kind,
  And the end of care, the end of woe,
Every trouble that is within the world
Vanishes in thee altogether;
  In thy company there is neither
      pain nor decrease.

When will the clouds of night flee,
That are hiding the merit
    of the blood of the cross?
  When may I see in clear light
The inheritance that came to my portion,
By the beacon of heaven, in the best place
  Of the delightful, sacred, heavenly land?

Thought about the pure hours
When I may walk the land of paradise,
  And drink the pleasure that endures,
In a land without the shining
    of sun or moon,
Or uproar of land, or tumult of sea,
  Is now making me rejoice.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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