Tymhestloedd o dân ac o frwmstan

Y Cyfamod Di-sigl
Cerdd o 11 pennill, seiliedig ar Eseia 54:10.
Tymhestloedd o dân ac o frwmstan
  O'r nefoedd ddylifant i lawr,
Rhyferthwy o ddilyw brwmstannaidd
  Ysguba bob congl yn awr;
Y nefoedd a'r ddaear ânt heibio
  Yn adeg nos Sadwrn y byd;
Ond rhwymau'r cyfamod sydd eto
  Yn para'n ddiysgog o hyd.

Y Gŵr a fu gynt o dan hoelion
  Dros ddyn pechadurus fel fi,
A yfodd y cwpan i'r gwaelod
  Ei hunan ar ben Calfari;
Ffynhonnell y cariad tragwyddol,
  Hen gartref meddyliau o hedd,
Dwg finnau i'r unrhyw gyfamod,
  Na thorrir gan angau na'r bedd.
Hugh Derfel Hughes (Huw Derfel) 1816-90

[Mesur: 9898D]

gwelir: Y Gŵr a fu gynt o dan hoelion

The Unshakeable Covenant
A poem of 11 verses, based on Isaiah 54:10.
Tempests of fire and of brimstone
  From heaven will gush down,
A torrent of a brimstony deluge
  Will sweep every corner presently;
The heavens and the earth will pass away
  At the time of the world's Saturday night;
But the bonds of the covenant are still
  Enduring unshaken always.

The Man who was once under nails
  For sinful man like me,
Has drunk the cup to the dregs
  Himself on the top of Calvary;
The fount of eternal love,
  The old home of thoughts of peace,
Draws me to such a covenant,
  Not to be broken by death or the grave.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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