Cerdd o 11 pennill, seiliedig ar Eseia 54:10. [5] Tymhestloedd o dân ac o frwmstan O'r nefoedd ddylifant i lawr, Rhyferthwy o ddilyw brwmstannaidd Ysguba bob congl yn awr; Y nefoedd a'r ddaear ânt heibio Yn adeg nos Sadwrn y byd; Ond rhwymau'r cyfamod sydd eto Yn para'n ddiysgog o hyd. [11] Y Gŵr a fu gynt o dan hoelion Dros ddyn pechadurus fel fi, A yfodd y cwpan i'r gwaelod Ei hunan ar ben Calfari; Ffynhonnell y cariad tragwyddol, Hen gartref meddyliau o hedd, Dwg finnau i'r unrhyw gyfamod, Na thorrir gan angau na'r bedd.Hugh Derfel Hughes (Huw Derfel) 1816-90 [Mesur: 9898D] gwelir: Y Gŵr a fu gynt o dan hoelion |
A poem of 11 verses, based on Isaiah 54:10. [5] Tempests of fire and of brimstone From heaven will gush down, A torrent of a brimstony deluge Will sweep every corner presently; The heavens and the earth will pass away At the time of the world's Saturday night; But the bonds of the covenant are still Enduring unshaken always. [11] The Man who was once under nails For sinful man like me, Has drunk the cup to the dregs Himself on the top of Calvary; The fount of eternal love, The old home of thoughts of peace, Draws me to such a covenant, Not to be broken by death or the grave.tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion |