Tyr'd Ysbryd Glān sancteiddiol

(Erfyniadau am yr Ysbryd)
Tyr'd Ysbryd Glān sancteiddiol!
  Anadla'r nefol ddawn:
Gwna heddiw gynnwrf grasol
  Mewn esgyrn sychion iawn:
Rho'th nerthoedd i gydfyned
  Ā geiriau pur y nef;
Dy air yn nerthol rheded,
  Mewn goruchafiaeth gref.

O! Ysbryd Sancteiddiolaf!
  Anadla arna'i lawr,
O'r cariad anchwiliadwy
  Sy 'nghalon Iesu mawr!
Trwy haeddiant Oen Calfaria,
  Ac yn ei glwyfau rhād,
'R wy'n disgwyl pob rhyw ronyn
  O burdeb gan fy Nhad.
1: Thomas Jones 1756-1820
2: William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Llydaw (alaw Lydewig)

gwelir: O Ysbryd Sancteiddiolaf

(Petitions for the Spirit)
Come, sacred Holy Spirit,
   Breathe the heavenly gift:
Make today a gracious excitement
  In the very dry bones:
Grant thy powers to accompany
  The pure words of heaven;
May thy word run powerfully,
  In a strong supremacy.

O most sacred Spirit,
  Breathe down upon me!
From the unsearchable love
  That is in the heart of great Jesus!
Through the merit of the Lamb of Calvary,
  And in his gracious wounds,
I am waiting for every single grain
  Of purity from my Father.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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