Trafaelwyr ŷm i'r Ganaan glyd

1,2,3,4,5,6,(7,8,9,10,11);  1,2,4,6,10;  1,(4,10),11.
(Bywyd y pererinion)
Trafaelwyr ŷm i'r Ganaan glyd,
Llesg bererinion yn y byd;
  Ni glywsom lais yn gwawdd i'r nef,
  I gael teyrnasu gydag ef.

Yno mae'n Iesu ni a'n Tad,
A'n brodyr gwiw
    bwrcasodd gwaed.
  Mae'n henwau newydd yno oll
  Ar fynwes Crist,
      nid awn ar goll.

Mae yno fôr o waed yr O'n
Yn llwyr amgylchu gorsedd Ion;
  Mae cariad o llawenydd pur,
  Yno fel afon grisial glir.

Pa beth all mwyach ddwyn ein bryd,
Na'n denu i aros yn y byd?
  Ein hiraeth ni a'n syched yw
  Cael myn'd i'r lan at deulu Duw.

Ar wagedd brau pa'm
    rho'wn ein bryd?
Sy'n erchyll dwyllo
    plant y byd:
  Dilynwn ôl y
      praidd yn dynn,
  Nes dringo fry i Seion fryn.

'Rhyd anial ffordd ni awn yn mla'n
O'r dywyll Aipht i'r Ganaan lân:
  Er rhwystrau mawr
      cawn fyn'd yn wir
  Ar fyr feddiannu'r hyfryd dir.

Gwnawd ffordd i'r nef gan Iesu cu
'Nawr gwel'd yr 'ym ein cartre' fry;
  A'r anwyl Oen,
      a'i ddwylo'n waed,
  Yn dangos lle yw nhŷ ein Tâd.

Yn mhlith y gwych fendigaid lu,
Fu'n ymladd a gelynion hy
  Aeth etto 'mlaen, er gwaetha llîd,
  Yn moli 'nawr mewn nefol fyd.

Yn gorphwys fry heb friw na phoen,
Ar feingciau oddeutu maingc yr Oen;
  Mae llwybrau rhai'n i wel'd o hyd
  Nes d'od o fewn i'r nefol fyd.

Ymdrechu wnawn,
    trwy nerth ein Duw,
Nes cael y wisg a'r goron wiw,
  O law'n gelynion fyn'd yn rhydd,
  A chael yr uchel gamp a'r dydd.

Rhedwn ar frys, mawr yw y fraint,
Y nef yw diwedd gyrfa'r saint;
  Er maint yw'r llid,
      par'tow'd ein lle
  Yn mynwes Naf o fewn i'r ne'.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Croesoswallt (<1869)
Fulda (William Gardiner 1770-1853)
Gibraltar (C W Poole)
Green's (<1811)
Sebastian (D Vetter / J S Bach)
Staincliffe (Robert W Dixon 1750-1825)

  Rhan II - Gwnawd ffordd i'r nef gan Iesu cu
  Pa beth all mwyach ddwyn ein bryd?
  Pererin wyf tua Salem bur
  Rhedwn ar frys mawr ydyw'r fraint

(The Life of the Pilgrims)
Travellers we are to the cosy Canaan,
Feeble pilgrims in the world;
  We heard a voice inviting to heaven,
  To get to reign with him.

There is our Jesus and our Father,
And our worthy brothers
    his blood purchased.
  All our new names are there
  On the bosom of Christ,
      we shall not go astray.

There is a sea of the blood of the Lamb
Completely surrounding the Lord's throne;
  There is a sea of pure joy
  There like a crystal clear river.

What can take our attention any longer,
Or attract us to stay in the world?
  Our longing and our thirst is
  To get to go up to God's family.

To fragile emptiness why would
    we give our attention?
Which horribly deceives
    the world's children:
  Let us follow the tracks
      of the flock closely,
  Until climbing up to Zion hill.

Along the desert road let us go forward
From dark Egypt to the holy Canaan:
  Despite great frustrations
      we may go truly
  Shortly to possess the delightful land.

A way was made to heaven by dear Jesus
Now seeing we are our home above;
  And the beloved Lamb,
      with his hands as blood,
  Showing where our Father's house is.

Amongst the brilliant blessed host,
Who fought with a proud enemy
  Who still went forward, despite wrath,
  Praising now in a heavenly world.  

Resting above without bruise or pain,
On benches around the Lamb's throne;
  Their paths are still to be seen
  Leading into the heavenly world.

Let us make a effort,
    through our God's strength,
Until getting to wear the worthy crown,
  From the hand of our enemies going free,
  And winning the high prize and the day.

Let us run hurriedly, great is the privilege,
Heaven is the end of the saints' course;
  Despite how great is the wrath,
      prepared is our place
  In the Master's bosom within heaven.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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