Trywanwyd do fy Mhrynwr rhad

(Cofio dyoddefiadau Crist)
Trywanwyd, do,
    fy Mhrynwr rhad,
Nes daeth o'i galon ddwr a gwaed,
  Yn ffrwd fel afon bur;
Oedd ar y llawr i'w wel'd yn llyn,
Yn frwd ar ben Calfaria fryn:
  O f'enaid cofia'i gur.

Mi glywa'i lef,
    pan chwerwa'r loes
A'i irad gri Ef ar y groes,
  Am faddeu imi'n wir;
Ei weddi âi droswyf uwch y nen,
A mi'n ei hoelio ar y pren;
  O! f'enaid cofia'i gur.

Dros f'enaid i bu'r addfwyn Oen
Fel hyn yn dyoddef dirfawr boen,
  I'm gwneyd yn rhydd yn wir:
'Roedd yn ei fryd
    orphenu'r gwaith
O eithaf tragwyddoldeb maith:
  Cân f'enaid am ei gur.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [886D]:
Croeshoeliad (alaw Gymreig)
  Hayes (<1835)
New College (<1875)
Zion Church (<1835)

  Fy enaid nac anghofia groes
  O deffro tro fy enaid trist
  Y ddaear fud ro'i meirw'n fyw
  Yn Eden cofiaf hynny byth

(Remembering the sufferings of Christ)
He was pierced, he was,
    my gracious Redeemer,
Until water and blood came from his heart,
  As a stream like a pure river;
It was on the ground to be seen as a lake,
Earnestly on the summit of Calvary hill:
    O my soul, remember his wounding.

I hear his wail,
    when the anguish grows bitter
And his sorrowful cry on the cross,
  For forgiveness for me truly;
His prayer went for me above the sky,
And I nailing him onto the tree;
  O my soul, remember his wounding.

For my soul was my dear Lamb
Thus suffering enormous pain,
  To make me free truly:
He was in his earnestness
    finishing the work
From the extremity of a vast eternity:
  Sing, my soul, about his wounding.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'
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