Ti Arglwydd ydwyt oll dy hun
Ti Iesu ydwyt oll Dy hun

(Holl ddigonedd hanfod a gras Duw)
Ti, Arglwydd, ydwyt oll dy hun
  Fy meddiant ar y llawr;
A thi dy hunan fydd fy oll
  O fewn i'r nefoedd fawr.

Rhyw ffynnon trugareddau maith,
  Diderfyn yw dy ras;
I ro'i trysorau pena'r nef
  I'r tlotaf un i ma's.

Ac ynot mi ymffrostia'n hy'
  'Mod i'n gyfoethog iawn;
Am fod trysorau maith fy ngras
  Fel Ti'n anfeidrol lawn.

Ac mae pob peth yn eiddo im',
  Heb eisieu, ac heb drai;
Ac nid oes ddiffyg ddaw i'r lle
  Y ceffir dy fwynhau.

Mae pob dymuniad, a phob chwant,
  Fyth yno'n eitha' llawn;
A thystio'r wyf nad oes ond Duw
  A'm gwna yn ddedwydd iawn.

Doed y tymmestloedd pena ddêl,
  Digonol gallu'r ne';
A rhüed moroedd dros y tir,
  Anfeidrol yw Efe.
- - - - -
1,2,3,4,(5);  1,2,3,4,8;  1,3,4,6,7;  1,3,(4),8.
Ti, Iesu, ydwyt oll Dy Hun
  Fy meddiant ar y llawr;
A Thi Dy Hunan fydd fy oll
  O fewn i'r nefoedd fawr.

Mae 'nymuniadau maith eu hyd
  Yn pwyntio oll yn un,
Dros bob gwrthrychau îs y sêr,
  Ac atat Ti Dy Hun.

O! ffynon trugareddau maith!
  Diderfyn yw Dy râs,
I ro'i trysorau pena'r nef
  I'r tlotaf un i maes.

Fy unig gysur dan bob gwae
  Dy fod Di imi'n Dduw;
Ac yn Dy gysgod mi âf trwy
  Gystuddiau o bob rhyw.

Ac ynot mi ymffrostia'n hy
  'Mod i'n gyfoethog iawn;
Am fod trysorau maith f nghras,
  Fel Ti, 'n anfeidrol lawn.

Rhyw gariad a ffyddlondeb gwiw,
  A thrugareddau'n un,
Geir yn yr enwau geraist ti,
  Roi arnat ti dy hun.

A boed fy nghrigfa bellach byth,
  O tan Ei aden wiw;
Na foed difyrwch genyf mwy,
  Mewn dim ond yn fy Nuw.

Anghyfnewidiol gair y nef,
  Ond cyfnewidiol fi;
Am hyn mi safaf doed a ddêl,
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry.
Fy unig gysur :: Fy nghusur unig

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Ballerma (F H Barthélémon / R Simpson)
  Brook Street (<1835)
Christchurch (alaw henafol)
  Coveney (<1878 T M Wood)
Dundee / French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)
Farrant (J Hilton / R Farrant)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravenscroft 1621)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
Metzler (Richard Redhead 1820-1901)
Otford (<1811)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)
Solomon (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Wiltshire (G t Smart 1776-1867)

  Gwell dy drugaredd Di a'th hedd
  Uwch pob rhyw gariad îs y nef

(The all-sufficiency of the being and grace of God)
Thou, Lord, art all thyself
  My possession on the earth;
And thou thyself shalt be my all
  Within the great heavens.

Some fount of mercies vast,
  Unending, is thy grace;
To give the chief treasure of heaven
  To the poorest one there is.

And in thee I shall boast confidently
  That I am very rich;
Because the vast treasures of my grace are
  Like thee immeasurably full.

And every thing belonging to me is,
  Without lack, and without ebbing;
And no failure shall come to the place
  Thou art to be enjoyed.

Every wish, and every desire, is
  Forever there full to the utmost;
And I will testify that only God
  Will make me truly happy.

Let the highest tempests come that may,
  Sufficient the power of heaven;
And let the seas rush across the land,
  Immeasurable is He.
- - - - -
Thou, Jesus, art all Thyself
  My possession on the earth;
And Thou Thyself shall be my all
  Within the great heavens.

My wishes of vast extent are
  Are all pointing as one,
Over all objects under the stars,
  And to Thee Thyself.

O fount of vast mercies!
  Endless is Thy grace,
To give the chief treasures of heaven
  To the poorest one out.

My only comfort under every woe
  That Thou be God to me;
And in Thy shadow I will go through
  Afflictions of every kind.

And in thee I will boast confidently
  That I am truly wealthy;
Since the vast treasures of my grace are,
  Like Thee, immeasurable full.

Some love and worthy faithfulness,
  And mercies equally,
Are to be got in the names thou didst love,
  To put upon thee thyself.

And may my dwelling be for evermore,
  Under His worthy wing;
Let me have no interest any more,
  In anything by in my God.

Unchangeable the word of heaven,
  But changeable I;
Therefore I will stand come what may,
  The grasp is most sure above.
My only comfort :: My comfort alone

tr. 2014,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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