Ti ddanfonaist dy genhadon

Thou who sentest thine apostles

1,2,3,4,5;  1,2,4.
(Gŵyl Simon a Iwdas - Hydref 28)
Ti ddanfonaist dy genhadon,
  Heb ysgrepan, ffon na chod,
Bob yn ddau i draethu'r newydd
  Fod y deyrnas wedi dod -
Heddiw ninnau a gydunwn
  Ar ein gŵyl i ganu'u clod.

Ni a'th folwn am dy arwyr,
  Diolch wnawn ā llafar gān;
Rhoist i Simon ysbryd selog,
  Llosgai ynddo megis tān,
Ac i Iwdas, cār dy febyd,
  Dysgaist werth
      dy enw glān.

Ni a'th folwn am dy gariad
  Fflachiai'n danbaid
      drwy eu moes;
A cholofnau cedyrn oeddynt
  Yn dy Eglwys fore ei hoes,
Safent fel goleudai iddi,
  Pryd y rhuai'r gwyntoedd croes.

Gydag Iwdas ddewr a Simon
  A'r holl saint o fewn i'r llen,
Milwyr ffyddlon fyddom ninnau
  Nes i'r yrfa ddod i ben -
Yna ar y mōr grisialaidd
  Cawn dy weled di heb len.

Duw y Tad - mawr ryfeddodau
  Dy weithredoedd folwn ni;
Iesu, Brenin y frenhinoedd,
  Uniawn yw dy lwybrau di;
Ac i'r Ysbryd, y Bywiawdwr,
  Mawl tryw'r oesoedd maith di-ri'.
cyf. Thomas Davies, Trelech, (1859- ).

Tonau [878787]:
Bryntirion (A H T Lutteroth 1802-89)
Dwyfor (alaw Eidalaidd / hen alaw Gymreig)
Feniton Court (E J Hopkins 1818-1901)
St Garmon (E M Price 1816-98)

(The Feast of SS Simon and Judas - 28th October)
Thou who didst send thy emisaries,
  Without scrip, staff or purse,
By twos to expound the news
  That the kingdom had come -
Today we unite
  On our festival to sing their praise.

We praise thee for thy heroes,
  We give thanks with a loud song;
Thou gavest to Simon a zealous spirit,
  That would burn in him like a fire,
And to Judas, kinsman of thy boyhood,
  Thou didst teach the worth
      of thy holy name.

We who praise thee for thy love
  That flashed brightly
      through their conduct;
And firm pillars they were,
  In thy Church in the morn of its age,
They stood like lights to her,
  When the contrary winds were roaring.

With brave Judas and Simon
  And all the saints within the curtain
Faithful soldiers may we also be
  Until the career comes to an end -
Then on the crystal sea
  We may see thee without a curtain.

God the Father - the great wonders
  Of thy deeds we praise;
Jesus, the King of kings,
  Straight are thy paths;
And to the Spirit, the Enlivener,
  Praise through the vast unnumbered ages.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Thou who sentest Thine apostles
  Two and two before Thy face,
Partners in the night of toiling,
  Heirs together of Thy grace,
Throned at length, their labours ended,
  Each in his appointed place.

Praise to Thee for those Thy champions
  Whom our hymns today proclaim;
One, whose zeal by Thee enlightened
  Burned anew with nobler flame;
One, the kinsman of Thy childhood,
  Brought at last
      to know Thy name.

Praise to Thee! Thy fire within them
  Spake in love,
      and wrought in power;
Seen in mighty signs and wonders
  In Thy Church's morning hour;
Heard in tones of sternest warning
  When the storms began to lower.

Till, with holy Jude and Simon
  And the thousand faithful more,
We, the good confession witnessed,
  And the lifelong conflict o'er,
On the sea of fire and crystal
  Stand, and wonder, and adore.

God the Father, great and wondrous
  In Thy works, to Thee be praise;
King of saints, to Thee be glory,
  Just and true in all Thy ways;
Praise to Thee, from both proceeding,
  Holy Ghost, through endless days.
John Ellerton 1826-93

Tunes [878787]:
Nukapu (Edward J Hopkins 1811-1901)
Mannheim (Friedrich Filitz 1804-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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