Ti Barnwr byw a meirw
Ti Farnwr byw a meirw

(Sefyll yn y Farn)
Ti, Farnwr byw a meirw
  Sydd ag allweddau'r bedd,
Terfynau eitha'r ddaear
  Sy'n disgwyl am Dy hedd.
'D yw gras i Ti ond gronyn,
  Mae gras, ar hyn o bryd,
Ryw filoedd maith o weithiau
  I mi yn well na'r byd.

O flaen y fainc rhaid sefyll,
  Ie, sefyll cyn bo hir;
Nid oes a'm nertha yno
  Ond Dy gyfiawnder pur.
Myfi anturia'n eon
  Trwy ddyfroedd a thrwy dān
Heb olau a heb lewyrch,
  Ond Dy gyfiawnder glān.

Mae swn y farn ddiweddaf
  Wrth dd'od o hirbell draw,
Yn galw, Mynwch ddigon
  I ddal y ddydd a ddaw:
Yng nghau bydd drws trugaredd
  Pan ddelo'r Barnwr mawr;
Am hyny, O fy enaid,
  Dos ato Ef yn awr.
Farnwr :: Barnwr
y fainc :: Dy fainc
nertha :: nerthai
a heb :: ac heb

- - - - -

(Gras yn werthfawr)

Ti, Farnwr byw a meirw
  Agorwr dorau'r bedd,
O gwel fy enaid egwan
  Yn disgwyl am Dy hedd:
'D yw gras i Ti ond gronyn,
  Mae gras, ar hyn o bryd,
Ryw filoedd maith o weithiau
  I mi yn well na'r byd.

O flaen y fainc rhaid sefyll,
  Rhaid sefyll cyn bo hir; 
Nid oes a'm cynal yno
  Yn unig ond y gwir:
Y gwir a ddeil ei chwilio
  Y gwir wna'm henaid gwan
I seinio iachawdwriaeth
  Pan fyddo'r byd yn dān.

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Abertawe/Heildelburg (Psalmydd Marot)
Babel (alaw Seisnig)
Bryndref (<1875)
Caerlleon (Cas. Ieuan Gwyllt 1859)
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Kilmorey (J A Lloyd 1840-1914)
Llanfyrnach (Dewi Myrnach)
Llangloffan (alaw Gymreig)
Llydaw (alaw Lydewig)
Rhagluniaeth (Cardog Roberts (1878-1935)
St Theodulph (St Marc) (M Teschner c.1615)
Talyllyn (alaw Gymreig)
Wilton Square (M Watts-Hughes 1845-1907)

  Angylion doent yn gyson
  O flaen y fainc rhaid sefyll

(Standing in the Judgement)
Thou, Judge of the living and the dead
  Who hast the keys of the grave,
The remotest boundaries of the earth
  Are hoping for Thy peace.
Grace is nothing to Thee but a grain,
  Grace is, at this point in time,
Some many thousands of times
  Better to me than the world.

Before the bench one must stand,
  Yes, stand before long;
There is nothing which strengthens me there
  But Thy pure righteousness.
As for me, I will venture fearlessly
  Through waters and through fire
Without light and without radiance,
  But thy clean righteousness.

The sound of the last judgment is,
  On coming from yonder long distance,
Calling, Insist on sufficient
  To hold the day to come:
Closing will be the door of mercy
  When ever the great Judge should come;
Therefore, O my soul,
  Come to Him now.
the bench :: Thy bench
strengthens :: would strengthen

- - - - -

(Grace as valuable)

Thou, Judge of the living and the dead
  The opener of the doors of the grave,
O see my feeble soul
  Waiting for Thy peace:
Grace is nothing to Thee but a grain,
  Grace is, at this point in time,
Some many thousands of times
  Better to me than the world.

Before the bench one must stand,
  Must stand before long;
There is nothing which upholds me there
  At all but the truth:
The truth will still seek it,
  The truth will make my weak soul
To sound salvation
  When the world is on fire.
tr. 2008,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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