Ti'r Hwn sydd yn maddau beiau

(Gweddi am Burdeb)
Ti, 'r Hwn sydd yn maddau beiau,
  Sydd â'i gariad fel y lli,
Llifed cyfoeth dy feddyliau
  'N afon hedd i'm henaid i;
    Gad im brofi
  Rhinwedd ffynnon Calfari.

Meddalha fy nghalon galed,
  Lladd y llygredd, difa'r chwyn,
Rho i'm henaid lwyr ymwared:
  Gwna fi fel yr eira'n wyn;
    Ti gei'r moliant
  Dros dragwyddol oes am hyn.
John Hughes (Glanystwyth) 1842-1902

Tôn [878747]: Tafwys (J H Lewis 1858-1933)

(Prayer for Purity)
Thou, who dost forgive faults,
  Whose love is like the flood,
Let the wealth of thy thoughts flow
  As a river of peace to my soul;
    Let me experience
  The merit of the fount of Calvary.

Soften thou my hard heart,
  Kill my corruption, destroy the weeds,
Give my soul complete deliverance:
  Make me white like the snow;
    Thou shalt get the praise
  For an eternal age for this.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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