Tosturi dwyfol fawr

(Trefn y Cadw)
Tosturi dwyfol fawr
  At lwch y llawr fu'n bod.
Pan gymerth Duw achubiaeth dyn
  A'i glymu'n un â'i glod.

Pan ddaeth y Mab o'i fodd
  I farw yn ein lle,
Agorodd ffordd i'n dwyn at Dduw;
  Ein Ceidwad yw Efe.

Mae Iesu'n fawr ei fri,
  A'i glod yn llenwi'r nef;
A holl hyfrydwch pur y plant
  Yw ei ogoniant Ef.
fu'n bod :: sy'n bod

Evan Pritchard (Ieuan Lleyn) 1770-1832
= Evan Richards (Ieuan ap Rhisiart)

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Ipswich (J J Waite 1808-68)
Mynydd Ephraim (Benjamin Milgrove 1731-1810)
St Michael (Salmydd Ffrengig 1551)
Shawmut (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(Arranging the Salvation)
Great divine mercy
  To the dust of the earth did come.
When God took man's salvation
  And tied it as one with his praise.

When the Son came of his own volition
  To die in our place,
He opened a way to lead us to God;
  Our Saviour is He.

Jesus is of great honour,
  And his praise fills heaven;
And all the pure delight of the children
  Is His glory.
did come :: has come

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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