Tra yn y dyrys anial dir

(Dymuniad am y nefol Wlad)
Tra yn y dyrys anial dir,
  'Rwy'n mhel o dŷ fy Nhad;
Fy ngolwg cadw, Iesu pur!
  Yn gywir tua'r wlad:
O! dyro i mi nerth drwy ffydd
  I ddringo'r creigiau serth,
Nes d'od o'r diwedd i dy ŵydd,
  Breswylydd mawr y Berth!

Ac yna 'mhlith y dysglaer lu,
  Ddaeth maes o'r cystudd mawr,
Caf wel'd dy wyneb dedwydd di,
  A'th foli bob yr awr;
Lle ni ddaw unrhyw elyn mwy,
  I roi im' glwy na briw,
Caiff f'enaid wedyn hyfryd hedd
  Dros fyth yn ngwedd fy Nuw.

Cydunwn ninau ar y llawr,
  A'r saint a'r engyl fry,
I roddi ein coronau i lawr
  Wrth draed ein Hargdwydd cu;
Nes caffom fyned yno i'w plith,
  I'w weled a'i fwynhau,
Lle nad oes ond dedwyddwch pur,
  Tragwyddol yn parhau.
'Rwy'n mhel o :: Ymhell o

1-2: Parch. Daniel Lloyd, Dinbych.
3 : William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [MCD 8686D]:
    Hen XLIV (Genevan Psalter 1556)
    Northumberland (Henry Smart 1812-79)
    Prydain (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

    Fe welir Seion fel y wawr
    Y waredigol dorf o Saint

(Desire for the heavenly country)
While in the troublesome desert land,
  I am far from my Father's house;
My view keep, pure Jesus,
  Truly towards the country!
O grant me strength through faith
  To climb the steep rocks,
Until coming at the end to thy presence,
  Great Resident of the Bush!

And there amongst the shining host,
  Who came out of the great tribulation,
I will get to see thy happy face,
  And praise thee every hour;
Where no enemy shall come any more,
  To give me a wound or bruise,
My soul will get then delightful peace
  Forever in the presence of my God.

Let us too unite below,
  With the saints and the angels above,
To put our crowns down
  At the feet of our dear Lord;
Until we get to go their among them,
  To see him and enjoy him,
Where there is nothing but pure, eternal,
  Happiness enduring.
I am far from :: Far from

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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