Tragwyddol gariad Tri yn Un

1,2,(3,4,5,6,7,8,9),10,11;  1,3,(4),7,10;  1,3,7,11.
(Cariad Tri yn Un / Crist yn Iachawdwr Cyflawn)
Tragwyddol gariad Tri yn Un,
 I gadw dyn colledig, 
A ogoneddwyd ar y pren, 
  Gan Iesu bendigedig. 

Trugaredd rad o'i fynwes Ef, 
  Fel afon gref a lifodd; 
Rhai o bob llwyth,
    pob iaith, ac oes,
  Ar bren y groes a brynodd.

Ei einioes lân a roes i lawr,
  Tan bwys ein dirfawr bechod;
Fe brynodd i ni wir ryddhad,
  Trwy waed y
      rhad gyfamod.

Halogrwydd du, euogrwydd dwys,
  A dirfawr bwys ein beiau,
A'i gwasgodd ef i'r bedd yn gaeth,
  Tan gref lywodraeth angau.

Mewn daear wael, ei dyner wedd,
  Er gorwedd yn gystuddiol,
Ar allu'r bedd,
    ar angau caeth,
  Ca'dd fuddugoliaeth fythol.

Gorphenodd iachawdwriaeth gu,
  I'r nefoedd fry esgynodd;
Holl allu uffern faith i gyd,
  Fyth hefyd a gaethiwodd.

Trwy rinwedd pur
    ei aberth rhad,
  Ger bron y Tad mae'n eiriol;
Yn haeddiant ei gyfryngdod ef,
  Fe wrendy'n llef gystuddiol.

O talwn byth ein teilwng barch,
  I'n ffyddlon arch-offeiriad;
O Sïon nac anghofia nerth
  Ei gywir werthfawr gariad.

Holl seintiau ac angylion nef,
  I'w enw ef y canant;
Ond ni all doniau
    sereiff dwys,
  Fth gynwys ei ogoniant.

Nes myn'd i blith y dorf sy' bell, 
  Yn meddu gwell telynau, 
Dyrchafwn ni sydd eto'n ôl, 
  Ein mawl â'n dynol dànnau.

Anfarwol gôr y nef i gyd,
  Yn hyfryd a'i moliannant;
O! llanwn ninnau yn ddi-drai,
  Y ddaear â'i ogoniant.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Aeronwy (Lewis J Roberts 1866-1931)
Cambria (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Degannwy (Benjamin Williams 1839-1918)
Dominus Regit Me (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)
Oldenburg / Ach Gott und Herr
    (Andachts Zymbeln 1655)
Tegid (<1876)

(The Love of Three in One / Christ as a Complete Saviour)
The eternal love of the Three in One,
  To save lost man,
Was glorified on the tree,
  By blessed Jesus.

Gracious mercy from His breast,
  Like a strong river flowed;
Those of every tribe,
    every language, and age,
  On the wood of the cross he redeemed.

His pure life he laid down,
  Under the weight of our enormous sin;
He purchased for us true freedom,
  Through the blood of the
      gracious covenant.

Black defilement, intense guilt,
  And the enormous weight of our faults,
Squeezed him to the grave as a captive,
  Under the strong governance of death.

In base earth, his tender countenance,
  Although lying afflicted,
Over the power of the grave,
    over captive death,
  He got the everlasting victory.

He finished dear salvation,
  To heaven above he ascended;
All the power of vast hell altogether,
  Forever also he took captive.

Through the pure virtue
    of his free sacrifice,
  Before the Father he is interceding;
In the merit of his mediation,
  He listens to the afflicted cry.

O let us pay forever our worthy respect,
  To our faithful high-priest;
O Zion do not forget the strength
  Of his true, precious love.

All the saints and angels of heaven,
  To his name shall sing;
But not all the gifts of
    intent seraphim can
  Ever encompass his glory.

Until going amongst the distant throng,
  Possessing better harps,
Let us who still remain lift
  Our praise with our human strings.

All the immortal choir of heaven,
  Delightfully they praise him;
Oh, let us too fill unebbingly
  The earth with his glory.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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