Tragwyddol oruchel Iôr mawr

(Nehemiah ix, 5 - Duw goruwch pob Bendith a Moliant)
Tragwyddol, oruchel Iôr mawr,
  Mor anamgyffredol wyt ti!
A'th drigfan annhraethol uwchlaw
  Holl gylchoedd y sêr
      o bob tu;
Y fainc sydd iselaf o gylch
  Dy orsedd yn nghanol y nef,
Prin iawn dichon Gabriel ei chwrdd,
  Er taled a
      gwyched yw ef.

Pa beth all abwydyn y llawr,
  Creadur mor ddiddym â dyn,
I wybod neu ddweyd am ei Dduw?
  Ac etto mae galwad am hyn;
O ganol y pechod a'r llwch
  Ni godwn ein golwg uwch sêr,
Fe ddysgwyd abwydon cyn 'nawr
  I 'nabod a moli eu Nêr.

Dy fawredd a'th uchder heb ail,
  Dy haeddiant a'th degwch bob awr,
Sy'n gadael pob moliant is nen,
  Mewn pellder annhraethol i lawr;
Er hyny na pheidied ein cân
  A'n calon i esgyn i'r lan;
Rhown glodydd a allo ein dawn,
  Ni ganwn yn well yn y man.
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

Tonau [8888D]:
Lambeth (<1825)
Lock (<1825)
New Jerusalem (<1825)

(Nehemiah 9:5 - God superior to all Blessing and Praise)
Eternal, supreme great Lord,
  How incomprehensible art thou!
And thy inexpressible dwelling above
  All the circuits of the stars
      on every side;
The throne which is lowest around
  Thy throne in the centre of heaven,
Very scarcely is Gabriel able to meet it,
  Despite how foremost and
      how brilliant he is.

What can a worm of the ground,
  A creature as worthless as man,
Know or say about his God?
  And yet there is a call for this;
From the midst of the sin and the dust
  We lift our view above the stars,
Worms were taught before now
  To know and praise their Lord.

Thy majesty and thy height without equal,
  Thy merit and thy fairness every hour,
Are leaving all praise below the sky,
  Down in an unutterable distance;
Despite this, let our song not cease
  And our heart ascend up;
Let us render praises as our gift can,
  We shall sing better soon.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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