Troseddais ormod O fy Nuw! Er hyn tosturia 'nawr yn rhâd; Dy Yspryd pur ni flinaf mwy, Fy arfau rhoddaf wrth dy dra'd: Er im' dy Yspryd Glân dristhâu, Dy gariad gâd i mi fwynhau. Os hoffi trugarhau 'rwt ti, Dy gariad i mi eglurha; Pechadur pennaf ydwyf fi, Fy nghlwyfau dyfnion O iachâ! O maddeu'n llwyr, fy nefol Dad, Gan gofio haeddiant dy Fab rhad! O Ffynnon cariad bur ddidrai - O Dad tosturiol, clyw fy llef! My Mhrynwr a'm Heiriolwr fry O'm plaid ymddengys yn y nef: 'Difeiriwch, ffydd, a nerth, O Dduw, Gâd imi gael i droi a byw!cyf. John Hughes 1776-1843 Diferion y Cyssegr 1802 Tôn [666688]: Bremen (Georg Neumark 1621-81) |
I transgressed exceedingly O my God! Despite this, have mercy now freely; Thy pure Spirit I will grieve no more, My weapons I lay at thy feet: Although I thy Holy Spirit sadden, Thy love let me enjoy! If loving to show mercy thou art, Thy love to me make clear; The chief sinner am I, My deep wounds O heal! O forgive completely, my heavenly Father, Remembering the merit of thy gracious Son! O Fount of pure, unebbing love - O merciful Father, hear my cry! My Redeemer and my Intercessor above On my side appears in heaven: Repentance, faith, and strength, O God, Let me get to turn and live!tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |
O 'tis enough, my God, my God! Here let me give my wanderings o'er; No longer trample on Thy blood, And grieve Thy gentleness no more; No more Thy lingering anger move, Or sin against Thy light and love. O Lord, if mercy is with Thee, Now let it all on me be shown; On me, the chief of sinners, me, Who humbly for Thy mercy groan; Me to Thy Father's grace restore, Nor let me ever grieve Thee more. Fountain of unexhausted love, Of infinite compassions, hear; My Saviour and my Prince above, Once more in my behalf appear; Repentance, faith, and pardon give, O let me turn again and live.Charles Wesley 1707-88 Hymns on God's Everlasting Love 1741
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