Trugaredd Arglwydd dod i mi

(Am drugaredd a gras.
Salm LI. 1,2,7,8,12.)
Trugaredd, Arglwydd, dod i mi,
  O dy ddaioni tyner;
Tyn ymaith fy anwiredd mau,
  O'th dosturiaethau lawer.

Fy enaid euog golch yn ddwys
  Oddiwrth fawr bwys fy meiau;
Yn berffaith lān gwna di fyfi,
  Rhag brynti fy nghamweddau.

Ag isop golch fi oll yn lān,
  Ni byddwyf aflan mwyach;
Byddaf, os ti a'm gylch fel hyn,
  Fel eira gwyn, neu wynnach.

A rho im' rhan orfoledd llawn

  Dy gyflawn iachawdwriaeth;

A chynnal fi, bechadur gwael,

  A'th Yspryd hael yn helaeth.

Casgliad Daniel Rees 1837

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Trugaredd dod i mi

(For mercy and grace.
Psalm 51:1,2,7,8,12)
May mercy, Lord, come to me,
  From thy tender goodness;
Take away my untruthfulness,
  By thy many mercies.

My guilty soul wash thou intently
  From the great weight of my faults;
Perfectly clean make thou me,
  From the filthiness of my transgressions.

With hyssop wash me all clean,
  I shall no longer be unclean;
I shall be, if thou wash me thus,
  Like white snow, or whiter.

And give to my part the full rejoicing

  Of thy full salvation;

And support me, a poor sinner,

  With thy generous Spirit generously.

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
[1] Mercy give to me,
  O God, from thy tender goodness;
Take away my falsehood;
  From thy many mercies.

[2] And wash me completely thoroughly
  From the great weight of my sins;
MY Lord, make mem purely clean,
  From the filthiness of my misdeeds.

[7] With hissop wash me clean,
  I will be unclean no longer;
Byddaf o'm golchi'n llwyr fel hyn
  Like white snow, or whiter.

[8] Provide for me to see peace,
  Jubilation and joy,
To renew my bones,
  Which Thou didst break with chastisement.

[12] Jubilation bring to me
  Through giving me thy salvation,
And support with thy spiritual gift
  Me to live uprightly also.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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