Trugaredd Duw fo yn ein plith

(Salm LXVII - Helaethiad teynrnas Dduw)
Trugaredd Duw fo yn ein plith,

  A rhoed ei fendith drosom:

Tywyned byth ei wyneb-pryd,

  A'i nawdd,
      a'i iechyd, arnom.

Duw! moled yr holl pobloedd di,

  Rhônt fawl a bri
      trwy'r hollfyd:

Ac yna'r tir rydd
   ffrwyth i'n plith,

  A Duw ei fendith hefyd.

A Duw, sef ein Duw ni a'n Tad,

  A rydd ei rad a thyciant,

A holl derfynau'r ddaiar gron

  A phawb ar hon a'i hofnant.

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Trugaredd Duw i'n plith

(Psalm 67 - The spread of the kingdom of God)
The mercy of God be in our midst,

  And may he give his blessing over us:

And may his countenance shine,

  And his protection,
      and his salvation, upon us.

God, may all the peoples praise thee!

  May they render praise and esteem
    throughout the whole world:

And then the land shall give
    fruit amongst us,

  And God his blessing also.

And God, that is our God and our Father,

  Will give his favour and prosperity,

And all the ends of the round earth

  And all upon it shall fear him.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Psal. LXVII.
To bless thy chosen race,
  In mercy, Lord, incline;
And cause the brightness of thy face
  On all thy saints to shine.

That so thy wondrous ways
  May through the world be known,
While distant lands their tribute pay,
  And thy salvation own. 

Let diff'ring nations join
  To celebrate thy fame;
Let all the world, O Lord, combine
  To praise thy glorious Name. 

O let them shout and sing
  With joy and pious mirth,
For thou, the righteous Judge and King,
  Shalt govern all the earth. 

Let diff'ring nations join
  To celebrate thy fame;
Let all the world, O Lord, combine
  To praise thy glorious Name. 

Then shall the teeming ground
  A large increase disclose;
And we with plenty shall be crowned,
  Which God, our God, bestows. 

Then God upon our land
  Shall constant blessings show'r,
And all the world in awe shall stand
  Of his resistless pow'r.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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