Trwy Ddinas Duw rhêd afon ddisglaer gu

(Dinas Duw)
Trwy Ddinas Duw,
    rhêd afon ddisglaer gu,
A gwyrdd-der hâf
    byth ar ei glànau sy;
  A brigau Dwyfol Bren
      y Bywyd pur
  Gysgoda holl
      drigolion nefol dir,
Lle mae fy Mhrynwr byw
    mewn gwir ogoniant,
Ar Orsedd fawr y nef
    yn derbyn moliant.

Ni raid wrth lewyrch haul
    na lleuad mwy,
Perffeithrwydd bywyd pur
    sy'n treiddio trwy
  Holl gỳrau'r ddedwydd wlad,
      mewn hyfryd hoen;
  Goleuni'r ddinas glaer
      yw Duw a'r Oen!
Lle mae fy Mhrynwr byw
    mewn gwir ogoniant,
Ar Orsedd fawr y nef
    yn derbyn moliant.

Un olwg hoff
    a leinw'm henaid gwàn! -
Fy Nuw! pa bryd
    y câf Di imi'n rhan! -
  Pa bryd câf dirio
      i fy nghartref gwiw,
  A gado'r ddaear hon
      a dechreu byw,
Lle mae fy Mhrynwr byw,
    mewn gwir ogoniant,
Ar Orsedd fawr y nef
    yn derbyn moliant.
cyf. John Ryland Harris (Ieuan Ddu o Lan Tawy) 1802-23

Tonau []:
    Glan Elyrch (T Price)
    Maesydderwen (Maldwyn Williams)
    Moliant (alaw Germanaidd 1562)
    Wagner (Richard Wagner 1813-83)

gwelir: Ar edyn ffydd c'od f'enaid uwch y byd

(The City of God)
Through the City of God,
    runs a dear, shining river,
And the verdure of summer
    is forever on its banks;
  And the twigs of the Divine, pure
      Tree of Life
  Shade all
      the inhabitants of a heavenly land,
Where my Redeemer is living
    in true glory,
On the great Throne of heaven
    receiving praise.

No need of radiance of sun
    or moon any more,
The perfection of pure life
    is penetrating through
  All the corners of the happy land,
      in delightful liveliness;
  The lights of the clear city
      are God and the Lamb!
Where my Redeemer is living
    in true glory,
On the great Throne of heaven
    receiving praise.

One lovely sight
    shall fill my weak soul! -
My God! when
    shall I get Thee as my portion? -
  When shall I get to arrive
      at my worthy home,
  And leave this earth
      and begin to live,
Where my Redeemer is living
    in true glory,
On the great Throne of heaven
    receiving praise.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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