Trwy Dduw y syrthiodd i mi rhan O fewn y fan hyfrydaf; Digwyddodd imi, er fy maeth, Yr etifeddiaeth lanaf. Rhois Dduw yn wastad ger fy mron; O'r achos hon ni lithraf; Can's mae ef ar fy neheu law, Yma a thraw ni syflaf. Tywysi fi'r hyd llwybr iawn Nes dod i'th lawn lawenydd; Ar dy ddedeulaw'n ddedwydd fry, Digrifwch sy'n dragywydd.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 Y Caniadydd 1841 [Mesur: MS 8787] gwelir: Yr Arglwydd Ior yn unig yw |
Through God a portion has fallen to me Within a most delightful place; To me has happened, for my sustenance, The most pure inheritance. I have set God constantly before me; Therefore I shall not slip; Since he is on my right hand, Here and there I shall not be moved. Thou leadest me along right paths Until coming to thy full joy; At thy right hand happily above, pleasure is 2015 Richard B Gillion |
5 My lot is fall'n in that blest land where God is truly known; He fills my cup with lib'ral hand; 'tis he supports my throne. 8 I strive each action to approve to his all-seeing eye; No dangers shall my hopes remove, because he still is nigh. 11 Thou shall the paths of life display, that to thy presence lead; Where pleasures dwell without allay, and joys that never fade.N Tate & N Brady A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696