Trwy gyngor dwyfol arfaeth

(Iachawdwriaeth yn ol trefn
arfaeth y Trindod - I Pedr i.2)
Trwy gyngor dwyfol arfaeth,
  Trefn iachawdwriaeth dyn,
Rhwng Trindod o bersonau,
  A'r tri mae'n oleu yn un;
Mae cadw pechaduriaid
  Mewn bwriad fel y bu,
Yn sicr anfaeledig
  I'r etholedig lu.

Doethineb Duw a'i allu,
  Sydd i'w ryfeddu'n fawr;
Ei gariad yn dra helaeth,
  Dylifo wnaeth i lawr:
Fe garodd cyn bod amser,
  Do lawer y ddilyth;
I'w Fab 'fe'u rhoes i' cadw,
  Ni fyddant feirw fyth.

Fe dalodd Iesu ddyled,
  Gwrthrychau'r cariad cu;
I farw dan yr hoelion,
  Yn foddlawn iawn 'fe fu:
Taenello'dd o'i ward felly,
  Nawr mae'n llefaru yn fyw,
Beth gwell na'r eiddo Abel,
  I deulu Israel Duw.

Sancteiddiol waith yr Ysryd,
  O hyd sydd yn parhâu,
I alw ac addasu
  'Rhai hyny i ufuddhâu:
Cynhelir y gwaith yma,
  Nes cael yn gyfa' i gyd;
Werth gwaed yr Oen
    a laddwyd,
  Uwch nen o
      eitha'r byd.

Nac ofned un credadyn,
  Er gwaned yw i'r daith;
Ac er ei fod yn llwythog,
  Blinderog lawer gwaith:
Dae' filoedd o beryglon,
  A myrdd o elynion mwy,
Mae gymmorth anorchfygol,
  Y'Nghrist a'i farwol glwy.
Thomas Williams 1772-, Rhes-y-cae.

[Mesur: 7676D]

(Salvation according to the plan of the
purpose of the Trinity - 1st Peter 1:2.)
Through the counsel of divine purpose,
  The plan of the salvation of man,
Between a Trinity of persons,
  And the three are light as one;
The saving of sinners
  In intention as it was,
Is surely unfailing
  To the elected host.

The wisdom of God and his power,
  Is to be greatly wondered at; 
His love so plenteous,
  Flowed down:
He loved before there was time,
  Yes many unfailingly;
To his own Son he gave them to be saved,
  They shall never be dead.

Jesus paid the debt,
  Of the objects of the dear love;
To die under the nails,
  Very content he was:
He shed his blood thus,
  Now it speaks alive,
Something better than that of Abel,
  For the family of the Israel of God.

The sacred work of the Spirit,
  Is always enduring,
To call and fit
  Those to obey:
This work is upheld,
  Until it is all complete;
The worth of the blood of Lamb
    who was slain,
  Above the sky from
      the extremity of the world.

Let no believer fear,
  Despite how weak he is for the journey;
And although he be burdened,
  Wearied many a time:
Thousands of perils came,
  And a myriad more of enemies,
There is insuperable help,
  In Christ and his mortal wound.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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