Trwy gynnulleidfa ei saint ef

1,2,3,4;  [1+2].
(Salm LXXXIX - Rhan I - 7-8,13-15.)
Trwy gynnulleidfa ei saint ef,
  Duw nef y sydd ofnadwy;
A thrwy'r holl fyd
    o'n hamgylch ni,
  Ei ofni sydd ddyladwy.

Pwy sydd yn debyg it, Dduw byw,
  O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd?
Yn gadarn Iôr,
    a'th wir i'th gylch,
  O amgylch yr holl nefoedd.

I'th fraich mae grym,
    mae nerth i'th law,
  A'th gref ddeheulaw codi;
Nawdd a barn yw dy orsedd hir,
  A nawdd a gwir a geri.

Yn d'unig enw di y cânt
  Fawl a gogoniant beunydd;
Yn dy gyfiawnder codi wnant,
  Ac felly byddant ddedwydd.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MSD 8787D]:
Vaenol (alaw Gymreig)
Tonau [MS 8787]:
Oldenburg (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Trallwm (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-75)

  Rhan II - I'th sanct dywedaist hyn a ddaeth

(Psalm 89 - Part 1 - 7-8,13-15.)
Throughout the congregation of his saints,
  The God of heaven is awesome;
And throughout the whole world
    around us,
  His fear is due.

Who is like thee, a living God,
  O Lord God of the hosts?
A firm Sovereign,
    with thy truth around thee,
  Around the whole heavens.

To thy arm there is strength,
    there is strength to thy hand,
  And thy strong right hand raised;
Refuge and judgment are thy long throne,
  And protection and truth thou lovest.

In thy name alone shall sing
  Praise and glory daily;
In thy righteousness rise they shall,
  And they shall be happy.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
 7 With rev'rence and religious dread
     his saints should to his temple press;
   His fear through all their hearts
       should spread, 
     who his Almighty Name confess.

 8 Lord God of armies, who can boast
       of strength or pow'r,
     like thine renowned?
   Of such a num'rous faithful host,
     as that which does thy throne surround.

13 Thy arm is mighty,
       strong thy hand,
     yet, Lord, thou dost with justice reign;
14 Possessed of absolute command,
     thou truth and mercy dost maintain.

15 Happy, thrice happy they who hear 
     thy sacred trumpet's joyful sound;
   Who may at festivals appear,
     with thy most glorious presence crowned!
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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