Tydi y Cyfaill gorau

(Gweddi am Ddaear Newydd)
Tydi, y Cyfaill gorau,
  A'th enw'n Fab y Dyn,
Rho'r cariad in at eraill
  Gaed ynot ti dy hun,
A deled dydd dy deyrnas,
  Dydd hawddfyd hir a hedd
Pan welir plant y cystudd
  Oll ar eu newydd wedd.

Mae'r eang greadigaeth
  Yn ocheneidio'n wyw
Am weled dydd datguddiad
  A gwynfyd meibion Duw;
Ffynhonnell fawr y bywyd
  Sy'n adnewyddu'r byd,
Gwisg anial leoedd daear
  A blodau'r nef i gyd.
John Jenkins (Gwili) 1872-1936

Tonau [7676D]:
Endsleigh (Salvatore Ferretti 1817-74)
Tal-y-llyn (alaw Gymreig)

(Prayer for a New Earth)
Thou, the best friend,
  Whose name is Son of Man,
Give the love to us for others,
  Thou Thyself had;
And may the day of thy Kingdom come -
  A long, kindly day and peace
When the children of affliction are seen
  All in their new condition.

The vast creation is
  Groaning feebly
To see the day of the revelation
  Of the blessed sons of God;
The great fount of life
  Is renewing the world,
Clothing the desert places of the earth
  With all the flowers of heaven.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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