Tydi ein porth ar dir y byw

SALM 4. Adn.1,6,7.
(Dyrcha arnom lewrch dy wyneb)
Tydi, ein porth ar dir y byw,
  Yn rasol clyw pan lefom;
Ti, 'r hwn a gedwi'th
    saint rhag drwg,
  Attolwg, gwrando arnom.

Tra dywed llawer y pryd hyn,
  Pwy ddengys in' ddaioni?
O Arglwydd dyrcha'th wyneb-pryd,
  Daw gywnfyd ddigon ini.

Daw yna in' lawenydd mwy,
  A hynny trwy dy fendith,
Nag a feddianna'r rhai sy'n trin
  Amlder o'u gwin a'u gwenith.

Dy lwybrau di ŷnt hyfryd iawn,
  Dy ffyrdd ŷnt lawn hyfrydwch,
Nag amlder ŷd
    neu win, fy Nuw,
  Melusach yw dy heddwch.

               - - - - -

Tydi ein Porth ar dir y byw,
  Yn rasol clyw pan lefom;
Tydi a'n cedwi ni rhag drwg,
  Attolwg, gwrando arnom.

Tra gofyn llawer yn ein clyw,
  "Pwy ddengys ryw ddaioni?"
Tywyned Duw ei wyneb-pryd,
  Daw gywnfyd ddigon ini.

Daw ini wir lawenydd mwy,
  A hyny drwy dy fendith,
Na fedd y rhai ag sydd yn trin
  Eu cnwd o win a gwenith.

Dy lwybrau di ŷnt hyfryd iawn,
  Dy ffyrdd ŷnt lawn hyfrydwch;
Nag ŷd neu win o'r goreu ryw,
  Melusach yw dy heddwch.
William Williams 1717-91

Mesur [MS 8787]

  Duw fy nghyfiawnder clywaist fi
  Dy lwybrau di y'nt hyfryd iawn

PSALM 4. Vv.1,6,7.
(Lift upon us the radiance of thy face)
Thou, our gate onto the land of the living,
  Graciously hear when we call;
Thou, the one who dost keep thy
    saints from evil,
  Beseeching, listen to us.

While many say at this time,
  "Who will show to us goodness?"
O Lord, lift up thy countenance,
  Sufficient blessing will come to us.

May there come to us more joy,
  And that through thy blessing,
Than they possess who deal
  Often with their wine and wheat.

Thy paths go very delightfully,
  Thy roads go full of delight;
Than the abundance of grain
    or wine, my God,
  Sweeter is thy peace.

                - - - - -

Thou our Gate onto the land of the living,
  Graciously hear when we cry;
Thou wilt keep ups from evil,
  Beseeching, listen to us.

While many ask in our hearing,
  "Who will show any goodness?"
Let God shine his countenance,
  May blessedness become sufficient for us.

May more true joy come to us,
  And this through thy blessing,
Than those possess who are treating
  Their crop of wine and wheat.

Thy paths are very delightful,
  Thy ways are full of delight;
Than corn or white of the best sort,
  Sweeter is thy peace.
tr. 2013,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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